Gall’s hypothesis of there being different mental functions localized in different parts of the brain is widely accepted today. (A) of there being different mental functions localized in different parts of the brain is widely accepted today (B) of different mental functions that are localized in different parts of the brain is widely accepted today (C) that different mental functions are localized in different parts of the brain is widely accepted today (D) which is that there are different mental functions localized in different parts of the brain is widely accepted today (E) which is widely accepted today is that there are different mental functions localized in different parts of the brain 这道题选C 我没有异议。但是OG关于E的解释:Which is widely accepted today implies that Gall’s other theories are not accepted today, distorting the meaning of the sentence。我不是很明白,为什么Which is widely accepted today implies that Gall’s other theories are not accepted today??????请牛牛们帮忙解答