Don't know where to post a logic game question, try it here.
9. (A)
In this one ’s sketch we circle both J and j, and keep our attention mostly on the new CDs—the CAPS, as we’ve been talking about them.What is the minimum number that must be on sale? Well, new opera isn’t (Rule 1), and now we see that new rap isn’t either (Rule 3). Let’s try crossing out both S and P, and check the rules….No damage! The only new CD that has to be on sale is the one mandated by the question stem. (A) is correct.
I can't figure out why new opera isn't as highlighted, anyone could help?
10. (D)
(E) Crossing out both J and j means that new pop must be circled (Rule 4); and now that both P and p are circled, we must circle both S and s (Rule 2). There ’s no conflict with Rule 5 and the crossed-out rap CD’s; no conflict anywhere. (E) is possible. Of course, if you just happened to start with (E) and work your way up, you got to (D) much sooner!
I am not sure why new pop is selected triggers used p being selected, as highlighted, no rule can work this out.
Thanks a lot in advance. |