1. 关于Lincoln那题,我觉得用has的确讲不通,怀疑题错了。
2.During the Renaissance, scholars were uncertain as to the location of Troy, and by the eighteenth century many historians doubted that Troy had ever existed.
(A) doubted that Troy had ever existed
(B) doubt that Troy has ever existed
(C) were in doubt as to the existence of Troy
(D) were doubtful concerning Troy’s existence
(E) had doubts about Troy’s ever existing
首先,by......century不一定必须用完成时。如果用had doubed,意思是已经doubed过了,句意不好。
(1). B先排除:因为B中has显然不对。
(2).ACDE比较:在句意相似的前提下,A中的Troy had ever existed要比C中的the existence of Troy,D中的Troy’s existence和E中的Troy’s ever existing都好。(即:动词好于名词)
3.Where once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speaking members by supporting the imposition of an alien tax on immigrant workers, after 1897 the United Mine Workers made a determined effort to enlist Italians and Slavs in its ranks.
(A) Where once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speaking members by supporting
(B) Where once the union acquiesced to it English-speaking members’ prejudice for the support of
(C) While once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speaking members in support of
(D) While once the union acquiesced to its English-speaking members’ prejudice in supporting
(E) While once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speaking members in its supporting of
(1).AB相比:B中it English-speaking members’ prejudice不对,A更好;
(3).AD再比:A表示the union用support imposition的方式来acquiesced prejudice,意思更讲的通。 |