4. A work of architecture, if it is to be both inviting and functional for public use, must be unobtrusive, taking second place to the total environment. Modern architects, plagued by egoism, have violated this precept. They have let their strong personalities take over their work, producing buildings that are not functional for public use.
Which one of the statements below follows logically from the statements in the passage?
(A) Unobtrusive architecture is both inviting and functional.
(B) Modern architects who let their strong personalities take over their work produce buildings that are not unobtrusive.
(C) An architect with a strong personality cannot produce buildings that functional well for the public.
(D) A work of architecture that takes second place to the environment functions well for public use. (B)
(E) A work of architecture cannot simultaneously express its architect’s personality and be functional for public use.
我看了以前的解释,说因为这句话“Modern architects, plagued by egoism, have violated this precept.”,所以原文章推理中的一个否命题可以承认,但我不明白这句话起了什么作用才产生这种效果的??因而我选了C,请问,这不正是文章的同义改写吗?