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[资料分享] 【琦叔团队】《GRE高分必备短语》最新真题增补(1.22更新)

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发表于 2015-1-14 20:55:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


start out  开始做
If you start out by doing something, you do it at the beginning of an activity.
We started out by looking at ways in which big projects such as railways could be financed by the private sector.

take A for B  把…错当成
If you take someone for something, you believe wrongly that they are that thing.
She had taken him for a journalist.

acquaint with  熟悉
If you acquaint someone with something, you tell them about it so that they know it. If you acquaint yourself with something, you learn about it.
Its purpose is to acquaint trainees with the work of department heads.

delegate to  授权,委派(做)
If you are delegated to do something, you are given the duty of acting on someone else's behalf by making decisions, voting, or doing some particular work.
Officials have now been delegated to start work on a draft settlement.

blind alley  困境
If you describe a situation as a blind alley, you mean that progress is not possible or that the situation can have no useful results.
The line of reasoning will only lead you up another blind alley.

exercise over  控制
If you exercise over for something, you control that thing.
Can't you exercise your influence over the boy to get him to behave better?

in the course of  在…期间
If something happens in the course of a particular period of time, it happens during that period of time.  
In the course of the 1930s, steel production in Britain approximately doubled.

stand out of the pack 鹤立鸡群
If someone or something stands out of the pack, that person or thing is much better or much more important than others of the same kind.
He played the violin, and he stood out from the pack.

at best  顶多,充其量
If you say something at best, you mean that thing is under the most favorable circumstances.
This policy, they say, is at bestconfused and at worst non-existent.

be obligated to 有义务
If you feel obligated to do something, you feel that it is your duty to do it. If you are obligated to someone, you feel that it is your duty to look after them.
Citizens are obligated to defend their interests and that of the state.

regardless of  不管,不顾
If something happens regardless of something else, it is not affected or influenced at all by that other thing.  
The fields give high and stable yields regardless of climatic circumstances.

pass through  通过;经历
If someone pass through a place or something, you mean making a passage or journey from one place to another or experiencing it.
Traffic cannot pass through the square until the mass meeting is over.

step in  介入 (棘手问题)
If you step in, you get involved in a difficult situation because you think you can or should help with it.
There are circumstances in which the State must step in to protect children.

make up for  弥补
To make up for a bad experience or the loss of something means to make the situation better or make the person involved happier.
Mrs Hardie hurried to make up for her tactlessness by asking her guest about his holiday.

in other words  换句话说;就是说
To put something in other words means to introduce more information about the same subject you are discussing at a different angle.
The mobile library services have been reorganized — in other words, they visit fewer places.

be wont to 习惯于
If someone is wont to do something, they often or regularly do it.
It was the wont to rank science among the highest pursuits.

clean up  肃清(犯罪、腐败等)…
If the police or authorities clean up a place or area of activity, they make it free from crime, corruption, and other unacceptable forms of behavior.
Whenever a new police chief take office, he or she routinely promises to clean up the corruption force.

gravitate to  被吸引到;受吸引而参加
If you gravitate to a particular place, thing, or activity, you are attracted by it and go to it or get involved in it.
The multitaskers did not appear to gravitate to entertainment websites.

transform into  改变;改造
To transform something into something else means to change or convert it into that thing.
They hope to find bonanza of materials curbside, which they will transform into art.

from scratch   从零开始
To do something from scratch means that you do it from a point at which nothing has been done ahead of time or from beginning.
One can hardly believe that this paper mill was started from scratch only a few years ago.

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