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The first decision for most tenants living in a undergoing being converted to cooperative ownership is if to sign a no-buy pledge with the other tenants. A. being converted to cooperative ownership is if to sign B. being converted to cooperative ownership is whether they should be signing C. being converted to cooperative ownership is whether or not they sign D. conversion to cooperative ownership is if to sign E. conversion to cooperative ownership is whether to sign
Correct Answer is E. I have a few questions as below.
1. what role is “living in a undergoing being converted to cooperative ownership” playing here in the sentence? And how and when to use “undergo”? 2. “living in a undergoing conversion to cooperative ownership”, what role is the underlying words playing here? 3. is whether should be followed by “to”, when option E change to “conversion to cooperative ownership is whether or not they sign”, is it still right?
It is the powerful compound capsaicin that makes a chili pepper hot; a single drop that has no taste and odor is capable of detection by humans at one part per million. A. a single drop that has no taste and odor is capable of detection B. a single drop is detectable, though without taste and odor, C. a single tasteless and odorless drop can be detected D. single tasteless and odorless drops are capable of detection E. single drops that have no taste or odor can be detectable
Correct Answer is C. why B is wrong?
Though the artifacts of pre-Columbian civilization created a stir from the very first European contacts with the New World in the sixteenth century, it was not until the latter half of the nineteenth century that Western designers, artists, and crafters were inspired to imitate them. A. it was not until the latter half of the nineteenth century that Western designers, artists, and crafters were inspired to imitate them B. they did not inspire imitations of Western designers, artists, and crafters until it was the latter half of the nineteenth century C. not until the latter half of the nineteenth century was it that they have inspired Western designers, artists, and crafters to imitation D. until the latter half of the nineteenth century Western designers, artists, and crafters have not been inspired to imitate E. they were not inspirations of Western designers, artists, and crafters imitations until the latter half of the nineteenth century
Correct answer is A. what is the difference of “it” in option A and Option B.
Restorers say that if allowed to remove and replace the discolored layer of varnish on the Mona Lisa, the colors Leonardo da Vinci painted nearly five hundred years ago will once again shine through. A. If B. if it is C. if they are D. when E. when it is
Correct answer is C. but if option C changes into “when they are”, is it still right? Why “if they are” won’t refer to “the colors”?
Nineteenth-century doctors thought that alcohol, when ingested, passed through the stomach into the bloodstream and was broken down only by the liver; recent studies, however, have led them to conclude that the stomach breaks down up to 20 percent of ingested alcohol before it reaches the liver. A. have led them to conclude B. have led to their conclusion C. have led doctors to conclude D. lead to doctors concluding E. lead to the doctors’ conclusion
Correct answer is C. what about if option C changes into “have led to the doctors' conclusion”, is it still right?
Despite the criticism in the early 1890's that if journalists use pictures the intellectual quality of publications would diminish, by the late 1890's photographs were found in most newspapers and magazines. A. that if journalists use pictures the intellectual quality of publications would diminish, B. that if journalists use pictures it will diminish the intellectual quality of publications, C. that the use of pictures by journalists would diminish the intellectual quality of publications, D. of the intellectual quality of publications being diminished by the use of pictures by journalists, E. of the use of pictures by journalists diminishing the intellectual quality of publications,
Correct answer is C. What is the problem of “it” in Option B?
The airline's proposed purchases of as many as 250 medium-range planes will probably be the basis of an overhaul of its routes; it is expected that they will increase the number of direct point-to-point flights, instead of continue to use feeder aircraft to bring passengers to major hubs. A. it is expected that they will increase the number of direct point-to-point flights, instead of continue B. it is expected that it will increase the number of direct point-to-point flights, rather than to continue C. it is expected that the number of direct point-to-point flights will increase, instead of their continuing D. the airline is expected to increase the number of direct point-to-point flights, rather than continue E. the airline is expected to increase the number of direct point-to-point flights, instead of its continuing
Correct answer is D. why “it is expected that” is wordy, when should we use it is xxx that?
Visitors to the park have often looked up into the leafy canopy and saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs hang like socks on a clothesline. D. seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, with arms and legs hanging E. seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs have hung
Correct answer is D. why “whose” modifies branches rather than monkeys? What about with?
>.< Need help!!! Thanks in advance!