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2 LR questions need help

发表于 2005-1-27 08:07:00 | 只看该作者

2 LR questions need help

1. Scientist: My research indicates that children who engage in impulsive behavior similar to adult thrill-seeking behavior are twice as likely as other children to have gene variant that increases sensitivity to dopamine. From this, I conclude that there is a causal relationship between this gene variant and an inclination toward thrill-seeking behavior.

which one of the following, if true, most calls into question the scientist's argument?

B. It is impossible to reliably distinguish impulsive behaviro from other behavior.

E. The gene variant studied by the scientist is correlated with other types of behavior in addition to thrill-seeking bahavior.

I chose E, because this finding will question the vaility for the assumed causal relationship between gene variant and thrill-seeking behavior. But the right answer is B, can anyone explain to me?

2. Psychologist: Some psychologists mistakenly argue that because dreams result from electrical discharges in thebrain, they must be understood purely in terms of their physiological function. They conclude, against Freud, that dreams reveal nothing about the character of the dreamer. But since dream content varies enormously, then even physiological explanation of dreams, they cannot completely explain the phenomenon of dreaming.

The claim that dream content varies enormously plays which one of the following roles int eh argument?

C. It is used to suggest that neither Freud's theory nor the theory of anti-Freudian psychologiest can completely explain the phenomenon of dreaming.

E. It is used to undermine a calim that some paychologies use to argue against a view of Freud's.

I chose C, but E is the right answer, I always try to tie the answer to the main conclusion, which is the last sentence of the argument; also, if this is the right answer, we should have been able to conclude that Freud's theory can completely expain the phenomenon of dreaming, which cannot be found or inferred from the stem.

发表于 2005-1-27 08:30:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-1-31 00:32:00 | 只看该作者

1,  E, the exsited relation between gene and other behavior cannot indicate that gene has not bearing with thrill-seeking behavior.

B,  if we cannot tell impulsion apart from other behaviors, then how could we be sure that it is impulsive behavior , not others, having connection with (similar) thrill-seeking behavior?

2, sometimes, words such as " but " or "however" tell you everything.

some psychologists conclude, against Freud ( indicating his view stands the opposite side ) dreams reveal nothing about one's character. But (after it must come the contrarary view) since dream content varies vastly, these explanation ( the view of Freud's opponents') is uncomplete.

background knowledge,

Human characters are mostly unique and idiosyncracized in terms of individaul. Thus, it will impossible to contain an enormously varified content.

then  E.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-31 11:23:57编辑过]
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