题:Do you agree or disagree: teachers' performance should be evaluated by students rather than by other teachers. 题型:比较 论点:让步 角度:利弊分析
开头:同意教师的教学表现应由学生来打分而不是同行。(话题引入+双方/某方观点+我的观点及过渡) With the incredible progress of the society, there are enormous changes taking place in the field of education. One of the most obvious changes is that the role of teachers is becoming approachable instead of unquestioned authoritative. Along with this change comes an interesting discussion: should teachers’ performances be evaluated by students or by other teachers. Opinions are divided and personally speaking, it is more rational that teachers’ performances are assessed by students. And my reasons and examples are given bellow. (81字)
中间段1:由于学生评价可能跟教师利益挂钩,学生评价让老师不敢怠慢任何一个学生的需求。(主题句+解释+细节扩展) Firstly, the evacuation given by students effectively prevents teachers from neglecting every student’s needs. It is very likely that the evolution is closely bound up with a teacher’s bonus or promotion opportunity, which makes teachers fully aware of every student’s requirements and try their best to leave a good impression on students. If this idea were carried out, the traditional classroom would take a new look. For example, a teacher willprobably change his serious-looking face into a smiling and relaxing one. Or a teacher will do whatever he can to make his class impressive by giving lecturesin funny language or employing multimedia technology. (105字)
中间段2:学生是教师教学的对象,只有学生才准确地指出教师在授课过程中的问题(主题句+解释+细节扩展) Secondly, it is students who can precisely point out the real problems that the teacher manifests in the process ofteaching. Just as a person cannot tell what is wrong with his appearance without a mirror, a teacher cannot realize his weakness in giving lectures without his students. The students take part in the whole process by observing almost every detail of the teacher in the class: the style of dressing, the pace of taking, the way of explaining things, or even the habits of gestures. If the evolution were given by students, the teacher would receive an unexpectedly detailed andvivid report which could undoubtedly improve his or her teaching capability.(112字)
让步段:当然,有些学生可能会处于个人原因故意给老师打低分,比如老师平时过于严厉苛责,让学生很不爽。所以假如学校设计打分表的时候能够假如原因一栏,任何无理的低分都不计算,这个问题就迎刃而解。(承认主观点不到位的地方+打压) Admittedly, evaluation from students can have one or two downsides. For instance, some students might take this issue personally by giving a low score as a revenge for being strictly treated by the teacher. However, in light of the possibilities of the above-mentioned situation, I suggest the school authority to add a blank of “reason” into the evaluation form, and any low score without a rationalized explanation is regarded invalid.Thus, this practice will leave nothing to be worried about. (80字)
结尾:重申观点,归纳理由/升华主题 From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that teachers’ performance should be evaluated by students. This idea is like killing two birds with one stone, for not only it works as a stimulus for teachers to cater to their students but also it successfully helps teachers find out what they truly lack of. (58字)
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