GRE 二战,先说成绩吧, 153+168,虽然不高但是对我来说够了,不想再考了
幸运的是遇到了QVQVQ,不幸的是第一个V答得很烂,结果第二个V 就很简单了,V能上150,应该是第二个V答得不错,
ISSUE: 124. All collegeand university students would benefit from spending at least one semesterstudying in a foreign country.
ARGUMENT:148.The following recommendation was made by the presidentand administrative staff of Grove College, a private institution, to thecollege's governing committee. "We recommend that Grove College preserve itscentury-old tradition of all-female education rather than admit men into itsprograms. It is true that a majority of faculty members voted in favor ofcoeducation, arguing that it would encourage more students to apply to Grove.But 80 percent of the students responding to a survey conducted by the studentgovernment wanted the school to remain all female, and over half of the alumnaewho answered a separate survey also opposed coeducation. Keeping the collegeall female will improve morale among students and convince alumnae to keepsupporting the college financially." 关于机经的话在第二个V里面有关于美国女作家的,还有就是关于美国二战中那些军工厂的,这两个在康老师机经里都有。其他的不记得了,想起来再补充吧。
数学的话有一道题完全不会,关于加权平均的,知道加权平均是怎么回事,但是没有遇到这样的题目,所以就蒙了一个,总体来说数学不难,就是需要仔细,还有就是个别题目需要费时间,记得一道多选题是3的N次方乘上7的2N 次方, 问N 等于几的时候乘积个位数是1,貌似选项有 4 ,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 做第一个Q 的时候在最后三分钟检查的时候改了两个题目的答案, 数学能拿到这个分数真是挺惊心动魄的,还好以后不会再考了,应该。
还有就是虽然在同一天考试大家题目都差不多但是还是有完全不一样的,我有个同学和我不在一个学校考试,但是是他遇到的是VQVQV,我们两个应该是完全不同的两套题。他的 issue是关于新手比老手更能取的成绩的那个。