11. GWD31-Q11 Cashflows to stock and bond mutual funds have gained strength in the last twomonths, but fund managers have not been eager to invest the new money, insteadof preferring to raise the cash levels in their portfolios at the highestlevel in six months. A. havenot been eager to invest the new money, instead of preferring to raise the cashlevels in their portfolios at B. havenot been eager to invest the new money, instead preferring to raise the cashlevels in their portfolios to C. havenot been eager at investing the new money, instead of preferring to raise thecash levels in thief portfolios to D. werenot eager to invest the new money, instead of preferring to raise the cashlevels the cash levels in their portfolios at E. werenot eager at investing the new money, instead preferring to raise the cashlevels in their portfolios to