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发表于 2013-6-24 07:08:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
30. GWD-31-Q30
The United Statespetroleum industry’s cost to meet environmental regulations is projected at tenpercent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum by the end of the decade

A.   TheUnited Statespetroleum industry’s cost to meet environmental regulations is projected at tenpercent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum by the end of the decade.
B.   Itis estimated that by the end of the decade the cost to the United States petroleum industry ofmeeting environmental regulations will be ten percent of the price per barrelof refined petroleum.
C.   Bythe end of the decade, the United  States petroleum industry’s cost of meetingenvironmental regulations is projected at ten percent of the price per barrelof refined petroleum.
D.   Tomeet environmental regulations, the cost to the United States petroleum industry isestimated at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum by theend of the decade.
E.    TheUnited Statespetroleum industry’s cost by the end of the decade to meet environmentalregulations is estimated at ten percent of the price per barrel of refinedpetroleum.


37. GWD31-37
In 1994 the whitehouse named Dr RuthR. Faden chairperson of the federal advisory committee ofexperts they assigned to do a report on the history and ethics of thegovernment’s radiation experiments on humans in the 1950’s and 1960’s .

A.      theyassigned to do
B.      tobe assigned doing
C.      thatwas being assigned doing
D.     assignedfor doing
E.      itassigned to do

16. GWD30-Q16:
Researchers are usingcomputer images to help surgeons plan difficult operations and to developprograms that will work for doctors and nurses in the same way that flightsimulators do for pilots, letting medical personnel practice theirtechniques and test their reflexes before they ever see a patient.
A.   plandifficult operations and to develop programs that will work for doctors andnurses in the same way that flight simulators do
B.   plandifficult operations and develop programs to work for doctors and nurses thesame way as with flight simulators
C.   toplan difficult operations and to develop programs that will work for doctorsand nurses like flight simulators
D.   plandifficult operations and in developing programs to work for doctors and nursesthe same way as flight simulators
E.    toplan difficult operations and developing programs that will work for doctorsand nurses like flight simulators do

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发表于 2013-6-24 09:17:12 | 只看该作者
Researchers are usingcomputer images to help ...and to to develop... 其中to help 和 to develop平行,直接排除DE。
再看ABC,programs  will work for doctors andnurses in the same way that flight simulators do 前后对比的是整个句子,所以要补出助动词,排除BC。

 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-24 13:30:54 | 只看该作者
bejamin1111 发表于 2013-6-24 09:17
Researchers are usingcomputer images to help ...and to to develop... 其中to help 和 to deve ...

如果按你这样理解,就是用computer images去help去develop,可是computer images怎么develop,我觉得是using  
and develop的结构
发表于 2013-6-24 13:34:10 | 只看该作者
szxissean 发表于 2013-6-24 13:30
如果按你这样理解,就是用computer images去help去develop,可是computer images怎么develop,我觉得是usin ...

to do逻辑主语是句子主语
发表于 2013-7-7 12:26:05 | 只看该作者
第二个,it 指代commitee
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