The followingappeared as a letter to the editor from a Central Plaza store owner. Over the past twoyears, the number of shoppers in Central Plaza has been steadily decreasingwhile the popularity of skateboarding has increased dramatically. Many CentralPlaza store owners believe that the decrease in their business is due to thenumber of skateboard users in the plaza. There has also been a dramaticincrease in the amount of litter and vandalism throughout the plaza. Thus, werecommend that the city prohibit skateboarding in Central Plaza.If skateboarding is prohibited here, we predict that business in Central Plazawill return to its previously high levels. Write a responsein which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order todecide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result. Besure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate therecommendation. In the letter thearguer recommends that the city prohibit skateboarding in Central Plaza whichwould follow that the business in Central Plaze will return to its previous high levels. Despite the arguer provides somereasons and evidence to support his recommendation, there are still some questionsthat should be tackled. After addressing these questions we could evaluate thisletter more completely.
First, the arguerwrites that the number of shoppers in Central Plaza has steadily declinedwhereas the number of the skateboard players show the opposite trend. Thequestion is whether the two data who are in the contrary tendency have therelationship with each other. Or does the acceleration of skateboard people hasan effect on the shoppers? However, the arguer doesn't reveal any informationalluding that point. We could hardly eliminate other factors such as economiccrisis or the increasing rate of unemployment. Factors like this woulddefinitely lead the consequence that Central Plaza has less shoppers. Andanother situation may happen in which there is a new plaza nearby who possessmore brands with higher discounts. Coincident with the establishing of the newplaza is the space has been utilized where theskateboard users traditionally go. Since the shoppers were attracted by the newplaza and Central Plaza, owning a large open space was appealing to theskateboard players. To this extent, the two factors have no relationship witheach other. And the recommendation seems toweaken.
In addition, thearguer mentions it is the store owner who believe the decrease in theirbusiness is ascribed to more skateboard users. But can the opinion of shop managers represents the real fact?Share the belief that the people who directly involving in this stuff can offeraccurate and cogent reasons, we would convince that the shoppers opinions aremore consequential. The shop owners can barelysee what happened in the Central Plaza area and they might didn't observe thewhole city conditions. May be the policy of salary distributionhas been changed or many people immigrated toother city due to various issues such as environmental pollution. In thissense, the argument is totally weakened and the recommendation is of lessmeaning.
What's more, thearguer bridges the litter and vandalism thing for increasing skateboard users.While we could not be informed that it is exactly the skateboard people majorlyattributes to the increasing amount of garbage. Since the business has declinedand it was possible for the central plaza to cut down its managing expense. Inthis case, it may be fewer cleaners in Central Plaza and that undoubtedly couldcause the environmental problems. Finally, thearguer states that If skateboarding is prohibited here, business in CentralPlaza will return to its previously high levels. However, we don’t know whetheror not the other situations except the skateboard player remain similar to thatof two years ago. If many factors changed, we could not guarantee the business will bloom again.
Considering somany questions need to be tackled, we could not support the recommendation thatthe city should prohibit skateboarding. This argument may be nonsense after wefigure out all arcane problems.