20. GWD28-Q20: In the1820’s, anthracite coalfields opened in eastern Pennsylvania, and whencanals and eventually railroads reached into the region, there were substantialsupplies of coal that was exported to the nation’s growing mills, forges,factories, and railways. A. when canals and eventually railroads reachedinto the region, there were substantial supplies of coal that was B. once canals and eventually railroadsreaching into the region, there were substantial supplies of coal having been C. with canals and eventually railroadsreaching into the region, there had been substantial supplies of coal D. canals and eventually railroads reached intothe region, with substantial supplies of coal being E. as canals and eventually railroads reachedinto the region, substantial supplies of coal were
这题答案选E, 只要因为A 用了there be ,并且supplies of coal 是复数应用 that were。
但是昨天看版主的一个帖子http://forum.chasedream.com/foru ... B%E6%8C%87%E4%BB%A3
说that 跳跃还是就近指代主要看逻辑意思表达的需要, 这里应该是coal被exported 而非supplies啊,那不是that修饰coal, 并用was吗?