18. The passage, if seen as an objection to an antecedent claim, challenges that claim by: (A) showing the claim to be irrelevant to the issue at hand (B) citing examples that fail to fit proposed definition of “intelligent life” (C) claiming that “intelligent life” cannot be adequately defined (D) arguing that the claim, if acted on, would be counterproductive(D) (E) maintaining that the claim is not supported by the available evidence 我的理解: 智能生命是否存在这个问题是不确定的。 因为我们不确定跟我们不一样的东西有可能是什么,(暗示有可能以后不能被称作是智能生命。) 所以我们不能定义智能生命.只有在leave our definitions open to new, unimagined possibilities 的情况下,才有可能定义智能生命. 18题,整篇文章是如何challenge the antecedent claim (智能生命是否存在这个问题是不确定的。) D:arguing that the claim, if acted on, would be counterproductive 说如果claim 起作用,会counterproductive(反生产的, 使达不到预期目标的) 不理解.表示相矛盾的吗?哪里跟哪里矛盾? |