How long and under what circumstances haveyou known the applicant?
I have known XXX for more than 2 years, since2011 he joined Financial Dep. XXX Co. as financial analyst, and under mysupervision. Our company is an Italian consulting institution, engaging in supportingItalian FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in China. 70% of our staffs haveoverseas education experiences, 20% are Italian. We hired J, because of hisexcellent education background and his working experiences, sales and marketingresearcher. I placed him in financial function, but not limited to do others.During last 2 years, XXX handled many FDI projects so well; his job was praisedby our customers, the investors.
What do you consider to be the applicant’sstrengths, outstanding talents or characteristics?
Obviously, a beautiful education backgroundin finance for years in UK let XXX has solid professional skills and great academicknowledge. Moreover, his working execution is also excellent. In many FDIprojects, location research is the most time-cost phases that require people tovisit locations and to negotiate with landholders. XXX is able to quickidentify the best options after he discussed with investors, according to theirproposal. XXX kept with many landholders in a good relationship, when a projectis offered, he would directly call them to schedule a meeting and to preparepresentation. By using of evaluation tool, XXX also protected the investorsfrom price cheating.
What do you consider the applicant’s chiefliabilities or weaknesses?
XXX does not always make right decision,especially when he encounters emergencies in jobs. He works on long-termplanning so well, while he has difficulty handling the issues in rapidlychanging environment. To improve himself, I believe two points are important.First, do more practice; the current workload will enable him to develop advancedskills. Second, give up “perfect” sense; this is what I have told him thatbecause of “perfect” sense, he lost best chance to work out the issues manytimes.