Rebuilt once more
The old Commons Chamber too was to find expression within the new Palace. Pugin and Barry's design consciously reflected the simplicity of the old Chamber in the predominance of undecorated oak, and in its format, the new Chamber kept the upper galleries and the rows of benches either side of Speaker's Chair as in the old Chamber. The new House of Commons Chamber therefore formed part of a design history that stretched back via Sir Christopher Wren, to the reign of Edward III. But the Victorian Chamber was by no means the final chapter.
![](http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/images/quoteleft.gif) |
We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us |
![](http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/images/quoteright.gif) |
As an epilogue to the resonance of St Stephen's Chapel to the present day, when the Victorian chamber was bombed in 1941, Churchill insisted that the chamber should be 'restored in all its essentials to its old form, convenience and dignity'. The intimacy of the old chamber was perceived as having created an environment for lively and intense debate whilst the rows of opposing benches had created the two-party system; in Churchill's eyes the bedrock of British parliamentary democracy. Thus the limited space and seating - so often berated by Members in the past - was now seen as a virtue along with the confrontational layout. Indeed it had come to define the very nature of government and parliament. As Churchill succinctly observed, 'We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us'.
这句话是邱吉尔说的,1941年德军炸毁了英国下院的议政厅,邱吉尔建议按照原来的形式重建。之前,很多人认为这个议政厅过于狭小,营造了一种紧张气氛,从而影响议员们经常会发生激烈的争论,而两边对峙的座位,使得持同种政见的议员选择坐在同一边,间接促成了英国两党制的政体。在丘吉尔的眼中,多党制正是英国议会民主政治的基石。重建后,该议政厅被作为政府和议会美德的象征。也是丘吉尔那句话的真实写照。 |