University of Missouri accounting PhD. 两月中campus visit, 几天之后Chair发email说我被录取了。因为 是我心仪的一个program,所以毫不犹豫就答应了。 Best of luck to all my fellow PhD applicants!
本科在美国一个很一般的Liberal Arts College读的,是经济和数学双学位,GPA 3.5+ 会计硕士是一个也相当一般的公立大学读的,GPA 有 4.0,但我觉得GPA 在申请过程中并不是相当重要的 GMAT: 700稍稍过一点
Different people have different cases, it is hard to generalize about what's most important to your application. But my guess is that whether your academic interest and background matches well with the program that you apply for is a standout factor. Good luck