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[作文互改] issue 12.....sigh...^_^三克油~~

发表于 2013-3-5 23:57:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
105. Claim: Imaginationis a more valuable asset than experience.
Reason: People who lack experience are freeto imagine what is possible without the constraints of established habits andattitudes.

Write a response in which you discuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on whichthat claim is based.

The speaker claims three points from thisstatement mainly. First, inexperienced people are better than others constrainedby established habits and attitudes in imagination ability. Second, imaginationis more valuable than experience. Finally, the first element result in thesecond point.

As for the first point, it seems thatinexperienced people can imagine whatever they like without the fields'restriction and academic rules. Yet people who don't have a well-roundedknowledge foundation, the base of imagination, cannot have the logic, integrityof their thoughts and the abilities to bring about it, which is very vital forresearches and inventions and what they imagine will be meaningless and unableto put into force. For example, even if it occurred to someone that we cancreate an invisible world like Internet that will benefit our communication andreceipt of information, people is unable to make it become true due to their restrictedacademic abilities.

As for the second one, I contend thatimagination is very valuable in some fields. Consider, for example, the expositionheld by some large mobile phone companies like samsung, during the expo staffof samsung will exhibit some conceptual products which cannot be produced dueto the restraint of modern technology. But as people strive to create thetechnology and the goals people established, the concepts will come true. So,without imagination, we don't have the purpose of scientific development andrealize it.

As for the final aspect, why imagination ismore significant than experience? I have to say that it's not only due to inexperiencepeople are free enough to come up with creative ideas, but also because of ourmethods of education. In some Asian countries, they test students' abilities throughexamination-orient education pattern, which focuses on students' abilities' ofrecital and discourage their creativity. For example, teachers always talkabout one problem with only one approach to solve it, which forces students tokeep it in mind and weaken students' inventive thoughts. Comparing this withsome western countries' education, people will find it that their students aremore outgoing and curious than those in Asia because they are tested by bothexamination and after-school activities or researches in various fields. Allabove make creative people fewer and fewer. As a result, we begin to get anidea that it is easier for us to create without the restraint of knowledge.

Tosum up, I agree that inexperienced people really have the ability ofimagination which is very vital for the modern society. However, experience isalso crucial due to the integrity of scholars who make theories become true.And what makes us think imagination is more valuable is not due to the freedomof ignorant people but the method of education which makes people restrictedonly in tests of knowledge.
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发表于 2013-3-6 09:30:04 | 只看该作者
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