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港大-复旦 IMBA在线咨询会 3月6日 晚8点

发表于 2013-3-4 12:13:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

The Master of Business Administration (International) Program – IMBA Program, is a program jointly offered by the School of Management at Fudan University in Shanghai and the Faculty of Business and Economics, the University of Hong Kong. The program aims to nurture future business experts with global perspectives by giving them the best of both schools. The program was one of the first batch of joint program approved by the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council in 1998 and has been ranked as the “Best Program” of the most successful models of collaborative venture between domestic and international business schools.

Course materials adopted by the program, including textbooks, cases and readings, are in English and are all at international levels. Both English and Chinese will be offered by professors from two schools.

The admission for Year 2013 has been launched and this online info session is the fouth for Year 2013.

港大-复旦 IMBA在线咨询会 3月6日

Date: March 6th ( Wednesday)
Time: 20:00-21:00 (Beijing Time)

Place: (Registration is NOT required.)


Shirley Shi, Associate Executive Director of HKU-FUDAN IMBA

Language: Chinese


  • Information about GMAT
  • Brief Introduction of HKU-FUDAN IMBA Program
  • 2013 Admission Q&A

Place: (Registration is NOT required.)

You may also keep in touch with us via Micoblog: @复旦-港大IMBA项目

HKU-FUDAN IMBA program has participated in EMBA ranking of Financial Times. For more details, please go to

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发表于 2013-3-7 17:12:09 | 只看该作者
请教  参加emba排名的是 E-stream 项目吗  那么E-stream和G-stream的毕业证书有不一样吗
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