19. A recent survey conducted in one North American city revealed widespread concern about the problems faced by teenagers today. Seventy percent of the adults surveyed said they would pay higher taxes for drug treatment programs, and 60 percent said they were willing to pay higher taxes to improve the city’s schools. Yet in a vote in that same city, a proposition to increase funding for schools by raising taxes failed by a narrow margin to win majority approval. Which one of the following factors, if true, would LEAST contribute to an explanation of the discrepancy described above? (A) The survey sample was not representative of the voters who voted on the proposition. (B) Many of the people who were surveyed did not respond truthfully to all of the questions put to them. (C) The proposition was only part of a more expensive community improvement program that voters had to accept or reject in total. (D) A proposition for increasing funds for local drug treatment centers also failed to win approval. (E) The proposition to raise taxes for schools was couched in terminology that many of the voters found confusing.
这5个 选项我真的不太明白,没有底,答案是b 我看不出来为什么选她。同时其他也不能确认有解释的作用。
有哪位可以为我把这道题庖丁解牛么? 谢谢。
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-23 17:14:22编辑过] |