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[issue] ISSUE 1 球拍,谢啦~~~

发表于 2012-12-28 12:32:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1. Aspeople rely more and more on technology to solveproblems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surelydeteriorate.
There is a growing public concern over the issue of developingtechnology. The speaker in the title statement advocated that as people relymore and more on technology to solve the problems, the ability of humans tothink for themselves will surely deteriorate. At first glance, this opinionseems to be somewhat appealing, but further reflection tells me that I can’tagree with it for the following reasons.
The first reason why I disagree with the above statement is that thespeaker sees the problem too partly. Whether we are going to lose the abilityto think of ourselves is a matter of each person. For there are no leaves inthe world looking the same, human varying from person to person? And whetherthe consequence will surely occur also depends on one’s choice. Some may use technologyjust as a tool to assist him when working, such as we use computer to deal withmass data in astronomy, which cannot be done by people .Such that we are reallyrelying on it, but we use it for better efficiency of working. We may have moreenergy to focus on the complex thoughts, model constructing or theory formingwhen the fundamental work is done by computer. In this case our ability ofthinking develops, rather than deteriorates.
Furthermore, the speaker states the issue too absolutely, as he usesthe word ’surely ’.This is the point I disagree most. Everything has two edges,whether bad or good depends on human’s justification. So we cannot judge somethingon only one side. It’s the degree of our relying on technology that will resulton whether the ability will deteriorate. If we rely on it too much, become toolazy to think, we may lose the ability of thinking of myself. Otherwise, we usethe technology wisely, will the ability surely deteriorate?
What’s more it should be admitted that technology really benefits usin current days. They are specialize for specific task and capable to performthe same kinds of function more efficiently than human beings. So we use it tosave time and do the experiment while we assume the result and construct themodel. We observe the world and learn the law of it, technology just help uslearn it quickly and throughout.
To be honest, we may lose some kinds of ability of calculating the mathematicalproblems, but our ability of learning the world deeply develops. From what hasbeen discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that our ability ofthinking of ourselves may not deteriorate when we use the technology wisely, eventhough we are relying on technology more and more.
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发表于 2012-12-29 13:13:24 | 只看该作者
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