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[作文互改] Argu 7,求批

发表于 2012-12-10 23:56:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
In this argument, the author recommendsthat Monarch Books should open a cafe in its store. To justify this claim,author provides the evidence that, due to the long history of Monarch Books,the Cafe in store will attract more customers and extend customer base. Also,the author cites the fact that the competitor of Monarch Books, named RegalBooks, has already opened a cafe in its store. I agree insofar, however, thefurther reflection reveals that the recommendation suffers some question whichhas not been answered by author. The questions are investigated as below.

The major question in this argument is thatwhether is necessary for Monarch Books to open a cafe to compete with RegalBooks. The author fails to provide any substantiate evidence about the currentfinancial situation of Regal Books. It is possible that, Regal Books suffers aserious economic problem, which is caused by its cafe. Or it is possible that,the majority of books, which Regal Books sells, consist with art, fashion anddesign. So, the people who read these kinds of book are willing to have acoffee while they are reading. However, Monarch Books sells wide selection ofbooks, includes art, school text books and children's books. The people whowant to enjoy fashion magazines with a cup of coffee, does not like sittingbeside a junior school girl who is doing math problems.

Another question should be answered iswhether the survey from national census can stand for the people who live inthis specific region. The author fails to provide specific survey data topersuade me. For example, there are higher birth rate and number of children inthis specific region, compared with the average in the whole country. If thebooks section is removed, this book store will lose significant amount ofsales.

Two additional questions that must besolved have to do with the cost and maintain of cafe in Monarch Books store.The author cites the fact that there is 25 years history of this store, so thishave sustained large customer base. It is entirely possible that most of peoplein this customer base do not want to coffee because of its high price. Theyonly want to buy the books they need and leave the store. Another example isthat, the cost of maintaining the cafe is high, so this creates huge pressureon the business for this book store.

In sum, assessing the reasonableness of therecommendation requires to answer these questions regarding to detailinformation of competitor Regal Books, the representative survey of children'sbooks and the further research on customer base of Monarch Books.

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发表于 2012-12-11 11:19:09 | 只看该作者
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