74.Despiteitscoveringthe entire planet. Earth has a crust that is not seamless or stationary, rather it is fragmented into mobile semirigid plates.
(A) Despiteitscoveringthe entire planet, Earth has a crust that is not seamless or stationary, rather it is (B) Despitethe fact that it covers the entire planet, Earth's crust is neither seamless nor is it stationary, but is (C) Despitecoveringthe entire planet, Earth's crust is neither seamless nor is it stationary, but rather (D) Although it covers the entire planet, Earth's crust is neither seamless nor stationary, but rather (E) Although coveringthe entire planet, Earth has a crust that is not seamless or stationary, but
本来这道题对于正确答案D没有任何问题,但是看了OG关于although的解释,说“although is a conjunction and should be followed by a finite clause with a subject",看到这个对于连词的解释后,我开始”钻牛角尖“了——but不是连词嘛,那后面的fragmented不是形容词,是过去分词吧,那么主语呢?而且,连词是要连接的是两个完整的句子吧,主语呢?
首先,是可以当做neither...nor...but rather的用法:既不也不...而是。。。(我觉得完全可以当做是not...but rather结构来对待,保证前后比较对等) 其次,可以当做是省略句:Although it covers the entire planet, Earth's crust is neither seamless nor stationary, but rather (crust is——主语相同,谓语be动词,常用省略,因为语义相当好理解)fragmented into mobile semirigid plates