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[作文互改] Issue 29求拍(内附详细题目)

发表于 2012-11-5 11:15:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Issue 29 The best way to teach-whether as an educator, employer, or parent is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.


In teaching, we always underscore the importance of praise. The praise for our positive behavior is encouraging, providing us a sense of pride and satisfaction. While our good behavior is announced to the world, our negative behavior is covered for shame. In my opinion, while acknowledging the positive actions can encourage people to do well in the future, it is also as essential to point out the negative actions. Because the mal behavior, if not corrected in time, can results in terrible consequences and unbalanced mental suffering.

Praise can serve as stimulant of positive actions. When a student performs well in a math exam, the teacher will announce his high scores to the whole class and other student will study harder to do well in the test. After a salesman has finished his sales amount this month and even with and extra amount, his boss feel good at him and point him as the idol of diligence and his coworkers will accelerate their pace of promotion. We help our parents with housework, we are spoken highly of being good helpers and other children will begin to help parents around the house. By announcing the good behavior to others, praise powers those who have not been aware of the goodness before to devote themselves into harder work, so the goodness can be continued. Like a magic, praise powers people to work arduously, even if the reward is just a few words from others.

While the praise is prevailing, we should leave some leeway for punishment of the mal practices. Although the goodness deserves laud, the mistakes conducted should also be pointed out in time to prevent further disaster. A boy being punished for his fighting in school does not dare to fight with others in streets any more. Employees who get fewer salaries because of delinquency in work will be careful and arduous ever since. Children at home receive no pocket money for their disorder bedroom will quickly clean up. In these circumstances, we can see how punishment plays the role of alarm to prevent further mistakes. If educators just ignore the negative behavior and over emphasize the positive practices, the bad ones will evolve into worse ones.

Besides serving as alarm of worse consequences, pointing out the negative practices can help maintain the mental balance for people, which is an important part of the education. We are living in a complicated world and sometimes we inevitably meet with troubles and bad words. If we are accustomed to the compliment lauding our positive actions, and seldom hearing the poor words of our mistakes, once we come across setback, we will feel frustrated because our life is always smooth without barricades. It is educators’ job to teach that life up and down, with praise and punishment intertwining, should be the true sense of living. Pointing out of mistakes keeps us sober that nobody can be perfect all the time, and we must learn to admit the negative things we have committed so that we can do better next time.

Facing with mistakes is not an easy job to everyone. However it is teachers- educators, employers and our parent who pick out flaws give us the courage to correct things right. Then we realize that, positive and negative practices, are both parts of us, and a good educator will never part them away.
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发表于 2012-11-5 18:46:53 | 只看该作者
In teaching, we alwaysunderscore the importance of praise. The praise for our positive behavior isencouraging, providing us a sense of pride and satisfaction. While our good behavior is announced to the world, ournegative behavior is covered for shame(这句话有什么逻辑呢). In my opinion, while acknowledging the positive actions canencourage people to do well in the future, it is also as essential to point outthe negative actions. Because the mal behavior, if not corrected in time, canresults in terrible consequences and unbalanced mental suffering.

Praise can serve as stimulant of positive actions. When a student performs wellin a math exam, the teacher will announce his high scores to the whole classand other student will study harder to do well in the test. After a salesmanhas finished his sales amount this month and even with and extra amount, hisboss feel good at him and point him as the idol of diligence and his coworkerswill accelerate their pace of promotion. We help our parents with housework, weare spoken highly of being good helpers and other children will begin to helpparents around the house. By announcing the good behavior to others, praisepowers those who have not been aware of the goodness before to devotethemselves into harder work, so the goodness can be continued. Like a magic,praise powers people to work arduously, even if the reward is just a few wordsfrom others.

While the praise is prevailing, we should leavesome leeway for punishment of the mal practices. Although the goodness deserveslaud, the mistakes conducted should also be pointed out in time to preventfurther disaster. A boy being punished for his fighting in school does not dareto fight with others in streets any more. Employees who get fewer salariesbecause of delinquency in work will be careful and arduous ever since. Childrenat home receive no pocket money for their disorder bedroom will quickly cleanup. In these circumstances, we can see how punishment plays the role of alarmto prevent further mistakes. If educators just ignore the negative behavior andover emphasize the positive practices, the bad ones will evolve into worse ones.

Besides serving as alarm of worse consequences,pointing out the negative practices can help maintain the mental balance forpeople, which is an important part of the education. We are living in acomplicated world and sometimes we inevitably meet with troubles and bad words.If we are accustomed to the compliment lauding our positive actions, and seldomhearing the poor words of our mistakes, once we come across setback, we willfeel frustrated because our life is always smooth without barricades. It iseducators’ job to teach that life up and down, with praise and punishmentintertwining, should be the true sense of living. Pointing out of mistakeskeeps us sober that nobody can be perfect all the time, and we must learn toadmit the negative things we have committed so that we can do better next time.

Facing with mistakes is not an easy job toeveryone. However it is teachers- educators, employers and our parent who pickout flaws give us the courage to correct things right. Then we realize that,positive and negative practices, are both parts of us, and a good educator willnever part them away.
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