我怎么记得只要出了成绩就没有cancel的阿?好像只有问你要不要成绩的时候有选 cancel or report report以后就送成绩了呀
At the end of the test, you will be given the option to cancel your scores. You cannot cancel your score for one section of the test and have the scores for the remaining sections reported. Although you have the option to cancel your scores, consider very carefully before doing so. Your scores will be reported to GRE score recipients only at your request. If you cancel your scores, they will NOT be reported to you or any score recipients and no refund will be made. Canceled scores are not added to your permanent record. If you wish to take the test again, you must reregister and submit another test payment. If you view your scores at a computer-based GRE revised General Test session, you cannot cancel them at a later date.
[quote] 我怎么记得只要出了成绩就没有cancel的阿?好像只有问你要不要成绩的时候有选 cancel or report report以后就送成绩了呀
At the end of the test, you will be given the option to cancel your scores. You cannot cancel your score for one section of the test and have the scores for the remaining sections reported. Although you have the option to cancel your scores, consider very carefully before doing so. Your scores will be reported to GRE score recipients only at your request. If you cancel your scores, they will NOT be reported to you or any score recipients and no refund will be made. Canceled scores are not added to your permanent record. If you wish to take the test again, you must reregister and submit another test payment. If you view your scores at a computer-based GRE revised General Test session, you cannot cancel them at a later date.