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先说下考场,湖南大学考场,考场环境不错,老师监考也很严格![](/static/legacy-emoticon/27.gif) QVQVQ ISSUE:University should require every student to take varity courses outside the field of their study ARGUE:"One month ago, all the showerheads in the first three buildings of the Sunnyside Towers complex were modified to restrict maximum water flow to one-third of what it used to be. Although actual readings of water usage before and after the adjustment are not yet available, the change will obviously result in a considerable savings for Sunnyside Corporation, since the corporation must pay for water each month. Except for a few complaints about low water pressure, no problems with showers have been reported since the adjustment. I predict that modifying showerheads to restrict water flow throughout all twelve buildings in the Sunnyside Towers complex will increase our profits even more dramatically." 数学:总的来说今天的数学还是蛮简单的,认真做不会有问题,记得的题有自行车爬山5公里,上山以每小时15公里的速度,问下山需要速度达到多少才能让总速度达到20公里每小时。还有一只股票先跌了8%然后又涨回去了,问涨幅是多少。 语文:长阅读果断悲剧,LZ在第一个V开始前心里默念了好几遍希望第一个V的长阅读是机经,果断发现不是。(估计上个与机经出现多得应该是加试)。迎接我们的是一篇有难度的长阅读,讲化石的,具体的段落情况记得真心不是很清楚了 短阅读出现了美洲大陆人起源的机经,还有高山PINE很适合检测环境变化的。还有篇讲美国一个时期的MURAL,第二段说了相关的政治背景 填空感觉难度适中 考完后最大感觉:单词都认识,句子读不懂。。看来长单句要好好看了 跟GRE恩怨已久,不知道是不是个终点。出国之路并不好走,身边有人坚持,有人放弃,最后能在这个漫长的准备过程中超越自己的都是成功者,我们最终飞跃的不是重洋,而是过去的自己。发现CD是个非常好的论坛,感谢那些无私为大家奉献的人,最后祝大家都能拿到自己想要的OFFER。 |