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菜鸟求助LAST 第二套的许多问题/LSAT-2-2-20,LSAT-2-2-17,LSAT-2-2-14,LSAT-2-2-11,LSAT-2-2-9,LSA

发表于 2004-10-23 01:27:00 | 只看该作者

菜鸟求助LAST 第二套的许多问题/LSAT-2-2-20,LSAT-2-2-17,LSAT-2-2-14,LSAT-2-2-11,LSAT-2-2-9,LSA

本人逻辑目前属于非常非常之不开窍者,麻烦众大侠多加指点. 感激不尽!! 这是LAST 第二套

1.All savings accounts are interest-bearing accounts. The interest from some interest-bearing accounts is tax-free, so there must be some savings accounts that have tax-free interest.

Which one of the following arguments is flawed in a way most similar to the way in which the passage is flawed?

(A) All artists are intellectuals. Some great photographers are artists. Therefore, some great photographers must be intellectuals.

(B) All great photographers are artists. All artists are intellectuals. Therefore, some great photographers must be intellectuals.

(C) All great photographers are artists. Some artists are intellectuals. Therefore, some great photographers are intellectuals.

(D) All great photographers are artists. Some great photographers are intellectuals. Therefore, some artists must be intellectuals.C

(E) All great photographers are artists. No artists are intellectuals. Therefore, some great photographers must not be intellectuals.

how to solve such kind of question? I totally can’t figure out the relationship among those sentences.

2. The advanced technology of ski boots and bindings has brought a dramatic drop in the incidence of injuries that occur on the slopes of ski resorts: from 9 injuries per 1,000 skiers in 1950 to 3 in 1980. As a result, the remainder of ski-related injuries, which includes all injuries occurring on the premises of a ski resort but not on the slopes, rose from 10 percent of all ski-related injuries in 1950 to 25 percent in 1980. The incidence of these injuries, including accidents such as falling down steps, increases with the amount of alcohol consumed per skier.

.           Which one of the following conflicts with information in the passage?

(A) The number of ski injuries that occurred on the slopes was greater in 1980 than in 1950.

(B) A skier was less likely to be injured on the slopes in 1950 than in 1980.

(C) The reporting of ski injuries became more accurate between 1950 and 1980.

(D) The total number of skiers dropped between 1950 and 1980.B

(E) Some ski-related injuries occurred in 1980 to people who were not skiing.

I think both A and B are incorrect. A the number of ski injuries that occurred on the slopes in 1980 is 3/1000, should be lesser than in 1950  9/1000

3.“suicide wave” that followed the United States stock market crash of October 1929 is more legend than fact. Careful examination of the monthly figures on the causes of death in 1929 shows that the number of suicides in October and in November was comparatively low. In only three other months were the monthly figures lower. During the summer months, when the stock market was flourishing, the number of suicides was substantially higher.

In only three other months were the monthly figures lower   1011月相对来说要低,只有在其他三个月里每个月的自杀人数要更低的.这是什么意思?哪三个月里,跟谁相对?

4. “If the forest continues to disappear at its present pace, the koala will approach extinction,” said the biologist.

“So all that is needed to save the koala is to stop deforestation,” said the politician.

Which one of the following statements is consistent with the biologist’s claim but not with the politician’s claim?

(A) Deforestation continues and the koala becomes extinct.

(B) Deforestation is stopped and the koala becomes extinct.

(C) Reforestation begins and the koala survives.

(D) Deforestation is slowed and the koala survives.B

(E) Deforestation is slowed and the koala approaches extinction  怎么会是B 呢翻译成森林砍伐停止,考拉灭绝.应该是.森林砍伐停止或缓慢,考拉生存下来吧?

5. Governments have only one response to public criticism of socially necessary services: regulation of the activity of providing those services. But governments inevitably make the activity more expensive by regulating it, and that is particularly troublesome in these times of strained financial resources. However, since public criticism of child-care services has undermined all confidence in such services, and since such services are socially necessary, the government is certain to respond.

Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

(A) The quality of child care will improve.

(B) The cost of providing child-care services will increase.

(C) The government will use funding to foster advances in child care.

(D) If public criticism of policy is strongly voiced, the government is certain to respond.B

(E) If child-care services are not regulated, the cost of providing child care will not


Why not choosing D ? besides if choose B, it seems A and C are also  acceptable,

6.Alice: Quotas on automobile imports to the United States should be eliminated. Then domestic producers would have to compete directly with Japanese manufacturers and would be forced to produce higher-quality cars. Such competition would be good for consumers.

David: You fail to realize, Alice, that quotas on automobile imports are pervasive worldwide. Since German, Britain, and France have quotas, so should the United States.

Which one of the following most accurately characterizes David’s response to Alice’s statement?

(A) David falsely accuses Alice of contradicting herself.

(B) David unfairly directs his argument against Alice personally.

(C) David uncovers a hidden assumption underlying Alice’s position.

(D) David takes a position that is similar to the one Alice has taken.E

(E) David fails to address the reasons Alice cites in favor of her conclusion.

E 是说 David 没能强调Alice得出结论的原因吗? 但我觉得应该是C .David 指出Alice 潜藏的前提条件是错误的,.

        7.There is no reason why the work of scientists has to be officially confirmed before being published. There is a system in place for the confirmation or disconfirmation of scientific finding, namely, the replication of results by other scientists. Poor scientific work on the part of any one scientist, which can include anything from careless reporting practices to fraud, is not harmful. It will be exposed and rendered harmless when other scientists conduct the experiments and obtain disconfirmatory results.

Which one of the following, if true, would weaken the argument?

(A) Scientific experiments can go unchallenged for many years before they are replicated.

(B) Most scientists work in universities, where their work is submitted to peer review before publication.

(C) Most scientists are under pressure to make their work accessible to the scrutiny of replication.

(D) In scientific experiments, careless reporting is more common than fraud.A

(E) Most scientists work as part of a team rather than alone.


发表于 2004-10-23 12:26:00 | 只看该作者

It's better to ask one question per post.  Otherwise people will be scared away.

Also, please read this:

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-24 4:35:31编辑过]
发表于 2004-10-24 04:14:00 | 只看该作者

1.All savings accounts are interest-bearing accounts. The interest from some interest-bearing accounts is tax-free, so there must be some savings accounts that have tax-free interest.

Draw circles:

  interest-bearing accounts: a big circle

  savings accounts: a small circle within this big circle of interest-bearing accounts

  part of the big circle is tax-free accounts; but this tax-free area may or may not overlap with the small savings account circle.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-24 4:36:29编辑过]
发表于 2004-10-24 04:19:00 | 只看该作者

Q2: The original passage talks about percentage of skiers injured , choice A talks about absolute numbers of skiers injured.  Both can be true at the same time.

发表于 2004-10-24 04:21:00 | 只看该作者

Q3: "number of suicides in October and in November was comparatively low. In only three other months were the monthly figures lower"

Meaning: number of suicides in Oct. and Nov. were pretty low -- they are the fourth and fifth lowest.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-24 4:37:13编辑过]
发表于 2004-10-24 04:25:00 | 只看该作者

Q4: The biologist: "continued deforestation" is a sufficient condition for "koala's extinction"

The politician: "continued deforestation" is a necessary condition for "koala's extinction".

B shows "continued deforestation" is not a necessary condition for "koala's extinction", thus contradicts to the politician's claim.

发表于 2004-10-24 04:29:00 | 只看该作者


"Governments have only one response to public criticism of socially necessary services"

D: "If public criticism of policy is strongly voiced..."

Different scope.  See the high-lighted.

A, quality, and C, funding, are not discussed in the passage.  Both are out of scope.

发表于 2004-10-24 04:32:00 | 只看该作者

Q6: E is correct.

Alice used reasons (competition and quality) to support her conclusion (quotas should be eliminated).  David failed to respond to Alice's reasoning.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-24 4:39:34编辑过]
发表于 2004-10-24 04:34:00 | 只看该作者

Q7: Passage: "Poor scientific work ... is not harmful".

A: "Scientific experiments can go unchallenged for many years before they are replicated."  Therefore, poor scientific work is pretty harmful -- it may mislead people for many years.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-24 4:40:08编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-25 04:09:00 | 只看该作者

菜鸟求助LAST 第二套的许多问题/LSAT-2-2-20,LSAT-2-2-17,LSAT-2-2-14,LSAT-2-2-11,LSAT-2-2-9,LSA

Thanks a lot a lot  a lot!
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