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本人在读博士,工科,ee,两篇英语论文,一片国内排名第二期刊,一篇国际会议。 前段时间有美国教授来学校做学术报告,我就发了一封信,说明自己想跟他读博士。
本人做机器人的,研究主要是实际应用方面的,觉得理论知识欠缺,就想报个偏理论的方向; 该美国教授(中国人)研究方向为chaos(混沌),情况如下: Professor of Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University Professor of Physics, Arizona State University Sixth Century Chair in Electrical Engineering, The University of Aberdeen, UK Fellow of the American Physical Society (since 1999)
该老师第一次回信要我的CV和写的那两篇文章,我回信后,老师有回复如下: Thanks again for your interest in joining my group at ASU. I will be happy to consider your case. At this point, please begin to file a formal online application to our Graduate School. I think you might still be able to catch the deadline for Spring 2013 admission (if not, then Fall 2013 admission). Please make sure that your application is complete with satisfactory TOEFL and GRE scores. Please note that, if your application is not complete, or if your TOEFL score does not meet the minimum requirement, the Graduate School will NOT release your application to our School of Electrical Engineering, in which case we will not be able to offer you admission and/or assistantship. Please do let me know in due time when your application is complete so that I will be able to access your file.
麻烦高人给个建议: 1、我该怎么回复该老师? 2、从回信中能否看出该老师对我的态度?他一定会招我么? 3、该老师是不是大牛啊?(情况见上面介绍) 4、我的情况就是做的研究比较偏应用,文章没有理论深度,所以想出国读个比较理论的方向。该老师的研究方向跟我现在的研究方向还是有一定不同的。我是再套别的研究方向相近的老师呢,还是就跟这个老师? |