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lsat 6 (2) questions-->babypace转移

发表于 2003-6-25 11:20:00 | 只看该作者

lsat 6 (2) questions

[face=Georgia]20. Psychotherapy has been described as a form of moral coercion. However, when people are coerced, their ability to make choices is restricted, and the goal of psychotherapy is to enhance people's ability to make choices. Hence, psychotherapy cannot possibly be a form of coercion.

Which one of the following describes a flaw in the argument?

(A) The position being augured against is redefined unfairly in order to make it n easier target.

(B) Psychotherapy is unfairly criticized for having a single goal, rather than having many complex goals.

(C) No allowance is made for the fact that the proactive or results of psychotherapy might run counter to its goals.

(D) The goals of psychotherapy are taken to justify any means that are used to achieve those goals.

(E) It offers n argument to show that moral coercion is always undesirable.


22. The true scientific significance of a group of unusual fossils discovered by the paleontologist Charles Walcott is more likely to be reflected in a recent classification than it was in Walcott's own classification, Walcott was, after all, a prominent member of the scientific establishment. His classifications are thus unlikely to have done anything but confirm what established science had already taken to be true.

Which one of the following most accurately describes a questionable technique used in the argument?

(A) It draws conclusions about the merit of a position and about the content of that position from evidence about the position's source.

(B) It cites two prices of evidence, each of which is both questionable and unverifiable, and uses this evidence to support its conclusions.

(C) It bases a conclusion on two premises that contradict each other and minimizes this contradiction by the vagueness of the terms employed.

(D) It attempts to establish the validity of a claim, which is otherwise unsupported, by denying the truth of the opposite of that claim.

(E) It analyzes the past on the basis of social and political categories that properly apply only to the present and uses the results of this analysis to support its conclusion.


Proposals for extending the United States school year to bring it more in line with its European and Japanese counterparts are often met with the objection that curtailing the school's three-month summer vacation would violate an established United States tradition dating from the nineteenth century. However, this objection misses its mark. True, in the nineteenth century, the majority of schools closed for three months every summer, but only because they were in rural areas where successful harvests depended on children labor. If any policy could be justified by those appears to tradition. It would be the policy of determining the length of the school year according to the needs of the economy.

25. Which one of the following principles, if accepted, would provide the strongest justification for the conclusion?

(A) That a given social policy has traditionally been in force justifies maintaining that policy only if doing so does not conflict with more pressing social needs.

(B) Appeals to us own traditions cannot excuse a country from the obligation to bring its practices in line with the legitimate expectations of the rest of the world.

(C) Because appeals to tradition often serve to mask the real interests the real interests at issue, such appeals should be disregarded.

(D) Traditional principles should be discarded when they no longer serve the needs of the economy.

(E) The actual tradition embodied in a given practice can be accurately identified only by reference to the reasons that originally prompted that practice.

这个题目我选的是D,答案是E.但是这两个选项我有些分不清楚.我的想法是这样的注意原文的转折,特别是让步之后的转折.原文的"but only because they were in rural areas where successful harvests depended on children labor."

26. The argument counters the objection by

(A) providing evidence to show that the objection rallies on a misunderstanding about the amount of time each year United States schools traditionally have been closed

(B) calling into question the relevance of information about historical practices to current disputes about proposed social change

(C) arguing for an alternative understanding of the nature of the United States tradition regarding the length of the school year

(D) showing that those who oppose extending the school year have no genuine concern for tradition

(E) demonstrating that tradition justifies bringing the United States school year in line with that of the rest of the industrialized world

这个题目的题干是什么意思?和25题的区别是什么呢?它的突破点是什么? [/face]
发表于 2003-6-25 21:35:00 | 只看该作者


D的错误我认为是coersion不是一个mean to achive the goal,只是一个东东which violate the goal..

25原文可没说任何tradition一定要因为经济原因而DISCARD。。。只是说当前讨论的TRADITION历史上是因为ECONOMIC REASON而建立的,所以现在可以因为经济原因而抛弃。

26 C。WEAKEN方法。。我觉得主要是理解原文的论证过程。。论据是以何方式SUPPORT OR WEAKEN the conclusion的。从原文可以看出,作者通过给了TRATION 一个历史原因解释,来支持它的结论的。。

 楼主| 发表于 2003-6-25 22:32:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-6-27 00:20:00 | 只看该作者

原文指出psychoterapy的结果(restrict the ability to make choices )与其目的(enhance people's ability to make choices)相悖,按照常识性的假设--results不能违反goal,应该推出psychoterapy can not be a form of coercion。

而原文的结论却是 psychotherapy cannot POSSIBLY be a form of coercion. 仅仅“可能”不是一种coercion。这里就有一个假设:results与goal相违背在某种情况下也是允许的。而这种allowance并没有在原文的推理中出现,C项指出的就是这个问题。


发表于 2003-6-27 00:35:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用lyricling在2003-6-27 0:20:00的发言:

原文指出psychoterapy的结果(restrict the ability to make choices )与其目的(enhance people's ability to make choices)相悖,按照常识性的假设--results不能违反goal,应该推出psychoterapy can not be a form of coercion。

而原文的结论却是 psychotherapy cannot POSSIBLY be a form of coercion. 仅仅“可能”不是一种coercion。这里就有一个假设:results与goal相违背在某种情况下也是允许的。而这种allowance并没有在原文的推理中出现,C项指出的就是这个问题。


1。谢谢lyricling的回答。。。可是我觉得psychotherapy cannot POSSIBLY be a form of coercion.   不可以理解为:
而应该理解为:“可能是coercion的可能性不存在”。。因为我觉得possibly这里修饰的是BE。。不是cannot....如果要修饰possibl,需要改为: possibly cannot...

2。 看了解释,好象不是很清楚。。哪位再解释一下?

发表于 2004-3-13 18:41:00 | 只看该作者

25原文可没说任何tradition一定要因为经济原因而DISCARD。。。只是说当前讨论的TRADITION历史上是因为ECONOMIC    REASON而建立的,所以现在可以因为经济原因而抛弃。

原文It    would    be    the    policy    of    determining    the    length    of    the    school    year    according    to    the    needs    of    the    economy.    可是原文说根据经济来定school year的长短(即如果便短、长是因为不符合经济要求,从而discard the tradition)。D说不符合经济要被discard. Confusing.

发表于 2004-3-14 11:32:00 | 只看该作者
20. 虽然表面上coercion会削弱人们make decision的能力,therapy的目标却是增强这种能力,但是作者并没有说明therapy作为一种moaral coersion最终不能实现使人们增强做决定的能力。

换言之,therapy或许可以通过coercion最终达到增强make decision的能力。

25,作者的反驳方式是先承认“尊重传统”(If any policy could be justified by those appears to tradition),然后指出即使这样,那么也该是尊重传统之所以被建立的原因,以此来说明在新情况下,这一原因已经发生改变,所以。。也改改变,作者并没有说要摈弃传统(D),而恰恰采取了欲擒故纵的方式,先退一步,承认了传统。


发表于 2005-1-22 04:40:00 | 只看该作者

lsat 6 (2) questions-->babypace转移



               接着转折反驳.论据是--1.当人们被强迫时, 其作出选择的能力就被限制了.


               结论-- 精神疗法不可能是精神强迫.

分析: 从论据1, 可以轻易得出另一结论:精神疗法限制了人们的选择能力. 这一结论与论据2正好相反. 也就是说作者否定了精神疗法的实际效果不可以与其目的(提高选择能力)相悖.因而才得出--精神疗法不可能是精神强迫--的结论.

C) No allowance is made for the fact that the practice or results of psychotherapy might run counter to its goals.不允许精神疗法的结果可能与起目的相反的事实存在

发表于 2019-8-18 16:02:16 | 只看该作者
1stzhang 发表于 2003-6-25 11:20
[face=Georgia]20. Psychotherapy has been described as a form of moral coercion. However, when people ...


Spot the question type: Method of the reasoning - Flaw

Core of the argument:

If people are coerced, ability to make choice is restricted ---> goal of psychology does not achieve ---> psychotherapy ---> no coerce.

Apparently, " goal " of something and " the result of " implementing " something can't be related.

C is the correct answer.

Then how can we determine if D is answer or not ?

The " means " of psychotherapy are taken to justify the " goals " to be achieved by those goals.
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