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转自新东方批改网 了解定位技巧对于提高GRE阅读的解题能力有着重要意义,GRE阅读的句式及结构特点决定了它的难度,若想短时间内在GRE阅读方面获得飞速提升, 难度相当大,解题方面更为如此,那我们是否可以另辟蹊径,找到一种解题的有效方式呢?我们可以这样去思考:所有阅读题的答案总是围绕一篇文章展开,无论题 目设计的多么离奇,其总能在文章中找到根据,否则偏离文章的出题是无任何意义的,这就涉及到我们将要谈及的定位策略运用。往往定位的准确度决定了解题的正 确与否。 一、与题干进行首次见面 进入正式阅读之前,先对所有题干问及的内容及对象进行粗略扫描,明确问题所指,大脑中应快速形成对题干及选项的初步印象。 例如:In large part as a consequence of the feminist movement, historians have focused a great deal of attention in recent years on determining more accurately the status of women in various periods. Although much has been accomplished for the modern period, pre modern cultures have proved more difficult: sources are restricted in number, fragmentary, difficult to interpret, and often contradictory. Thus it is not particularly surprising that some earlier scholarship concerning such cultures has so far gone unchallenged. An example is Johann Bach-fen’s 1861 treatise on Amazons, women-ruled societies of questionable existence contemporary with ancient Greece. All of the following are stated by the author as problems connected with the sources for knowledge of pre modern cultures EXCEPT (A) Partial completeness (B) Restricted accessibility (C) Difficulty of interpretation (D) Limited quantity (E) Tendency toward contradiction 在读上述题干时,我们首先需要明确题目所涉及的核心事物为source与pre modern cultures, 之后通过回归定位法进入第一遍阅读时,找到有关source 与pre modern cultures出现的位置,文章黑斜体出现处,即是source的出现位置,其实source后面所出现的几个特征描述分别是选项,A,C,D,E的改 写,接下来利用排除法,我们便能找出B为正确答案。 二、定位TS 不管GRE阅读文章看起来多么支离破碎,千奇百怪,都会始终贯穿一个思想,一条主线,作者往往也会通过一句话或两句话的方式阐述其所关注的焦点及对 象,我们既可以将之称为文章的中心思想,也可以称之为TS(主题句),TS对于从宏观角度把握整篇文章的结构以及领会文章的前后所指起到非常大的作用,抓 住了TS句也就找到了文章的主脉络。TS的出现位置根据文章的结构也会有所不同,但大体上会出现上三处:文章开头,文章中间和文章结尾。 Because of its accuracy in outlining the Earth’s subsurface, the seismic-reflection method remains the most important tool in the search for petroleum reserves. In field practice, a subsurface is mapped by arranging a series of wave-train sources, such as small dynamite explosions, in a grid pattern. As each source is activated, it generates a wave train that moves downward at a speed determined uniquely by the rock’s elastic characteristics. As rock interfaces are crossed, the elastic characteristics encountered generally change abruptly, which causes part of the energy to be reflected back to the surface, where it is recorded by seismic instruments. The seismic records must be processed to correct for positional differences between the source and the receiver, for unrelated wave trains, and for multiple reflections from the rock interfaces. Then the data acquired at each of the specific source locations are combined to generate a physical profile of the subsurface, which can eventually be used to select targets for drilling. 按照文章的结构来分析,全文主要是针对一个观点进行论证,作者在文章的第一段的开头部分就给出明确的结论,即阐述某一个观点,而下文全是对此观点做出的解释说明和论证。黑斜体部分也是这篇短文的中心句,起到统领全文的作用。 三、转折词位 往往一篇文章中转折词的前后会成为阅读的出题点,这点我们必须时刻保持注意,转折词的前后往往阐述的内容或是对比,或是对立,或是让步,也或是为了 铺垫和某个过渡。GRE阅读篇章中常常出现表示转折语气的词语包括:however, nonetheless, nevertheless, indeed, actually, in fact等等,对于这些词汇,我们定要时刻小心,遇到需作一下标记,而对与这些转折词前后内容之间的关系需要弄清楚。 譬如: Although much has been accomplished for the modern period, pre modern cultures have proved more difficult: sources are restricted in number, fragmentary, difficult to interpret, and often contradictory. Thus it is not particularly surprising that some earlier scholarship concerning such cultures has so far gone unchallenged. An example is Johann Bach¬-fen’s 1861 treatise on Amazons, women-ruled societies of questionable existence contemporary with ancient Greece. 在这段话中,although表示让步性的转折,理解了这点,我们才能对现代之前文化资料的特征有所理解。 只有正确的细节定位,我们才能精确地将题干中具体的内容回归到定位处,定位与回归两者相互联系,相互依存,在将原始题干中的问题进行回归时,我们需 要做的就是在具体的问题与文章中作者阐述的与之相关联的内容之间建立一种联系,一篇GRE文章,通常题干的选项内容基本已做改写,只要我们将这种改写看成 是作者对同一问题的两种描述即可。 |