于是, 这样的积累, 让我在issue部分里得心应手, 每当我想起生活不公平的例子的时候, 脑子里浮现的总是莎士比亚在麦克白里写的“life’ s but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage. And then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”后来在看张爱玲的天才梦里发现这一句:“生命是一袭华美的袍, 爬满了蚤子。 ” 当时泪水就在眼里打转, 文学总是能在内心的最深处激起一种叫做melancholy的思绪。 看到评论人们意思不一致甚至产生了歧义的时候, 我脑子里浮现的是看过的房龙的宽容:“生活本来是一次光荣的冒险, 结果却变成了一个可怕的经历。 之所以如此, 就是因为迄今为止, 人类的生存完全被恐惧控制着。 我要重复一遍, 所有不宽容的根源, 都是恐惧”(So it goes throughout the ages until life, which might be a glorious adventure, is turned into a horrible experience and all this happens because human existence so far that has been entirely dominated by fear. For fear, I repeat it, is at the bottom of all intolerance. ) 想到面对生活种种trials and tribulations 却仍然坚定不移地为自己的理想而战的例子时候, 我想到了雪莱里的西风颂:“I fall upon the thorns of life”每次在思考着issue的话题时,脑海里总是不断浮现出这样的片段, 上考场的时候就信手拈来了。 我所有issue的例子全部来源于常耀信老师所写的英国文学简史和美国文学简史,常老师是美国和中国英美文学领域的泰斗, 读英语专业的同学都应该知道我们用的课本,就是他所写的。 常老师的文字写的非常地道, 我在写issue的时候情不自禁地就用上去了。 比如在写伟人常常被同时代的人所误解所遗忘的时候, 我就用了大学才子的光芒被莎士比亚的光辉所遮蔽了, the University Wits’ have sunk into an obscurity from which it would be hard to resurrect them, but many others have sood the test of time for the admiration of posterity. All in all, the age furnished a fertile soil, as it were, on which a plethora of fresh flowers and plants grew to survive. …