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[语文] 关于36套EX19一道题的疑问

发表于 2012-1-31 22:53:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Students of United States history, seeking to identify the circumstances that encouraged the emergence of feminist movements, have thoroughly investigated the mid- nineteenth-century American economic and social conditions that affected the status of women. These historians, however, have analyzed less fully the development of specifically feminist ideas and activities during the same period. Furthermore, the ideological origins of feminism in the United States have been obscured because, even when historians did take into account those feminist ideas and activities occurring within the United States, they failed to recognize that feminism was then a truly international movement actually centered in Europe. American feminist activists who have been described as ―solitary‖ and ―individual theorists‖ were in reality connected to a movement—utopian socialism— which was already popularizing feminist ideas in Europe during the two decades that culminated in the first women‘s rights conference held at Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848.
(148 words)

6. According to the passage, which of the following
is true of the Seneca Falls conference on women‘s
(A) It was primarily a product of nineteenth-
century Saint-Simonian feminist thought.
(B) It was the work of American activists who
were independent of feminists abroad.
(C) It was the culminating achievement of the
utopian socialist movement.
(D) It was a manifestation of an international
movement for social change and feminism.
(E) It was the final manifestation of the women‘s
rights movement in the United States in the
nineteenth century.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-1 14:24:01 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-2-1 23:52:21 | 只看该作者
utopian socialism movement 是在欧洲的,在美国的女权运动虽然与它有关,但这个会应该不是它的最高成果
发表于 2012-4-23 22:22:25 | 只看该作者
这道题我真心觉得应该选C 嘛, 谁能给我个说法啊??
发表于 2012-5-18 15:08:43 | 只看该作者

American feminist activists who have been described as ―solitary and ―individual theorists were in reality connected to a movement—utopian socialism— which was already popularizing feminist ideas in Europe during the two decadesthat culminated in the first women‘s rights conference held at Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848.

during the two decades that culminated in the first women‘s rights conference held at Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848.

然后我觉得带下划线的部分修饰的是two decades,而不是直接修饰utopian socialism,根据全文来讲应该修饰的是American或者延伸来讲是international,而非欧洲的,文中也只是说 in reality connected to a movement—utopian socialism— ,并没有说就是乌托邦

(A) It was primarily a product of nineteenth-
century Saint-Simonian feminist thought.
Saint-Simonian是空想主义,utopian的同义词,这是欧洲的,in reality connected to ,但不是 identical,故不是其的product

(B) It was the work of American activists who
were independent of feminists abroad.
这个  independent 必须和in reality connected to 不符

(C) It was the culminating achievement of the
utopian socialist movement.
这个也吧欧洲的和美国的完全等同,和in reality connected to不符

(D) It was a manifestation of an international
movement for social change and feminism.

(E) It was the final manifestation of the women‘s
rights movement in the United States in the
nineteenth century.

发表于 2012-5-19 14:16:27 | 只看该作者
我觉得是因为没说是“utopian social movement ”的“culminate achievement”,而是说这次会议让女权主义的思想达到高峰。D就比较正确,change是那些movement 等的上位概念吧。
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