Given your academicand professional record, what are your expectations from the European Master inManagement programme? How do you see your professional life and careerdevelopment in the future?
想问一下这后面那句"how do you see ...." 是不是问如何看待未来的职业发展阿?要怎么个写法阿 一急之下都慌了 偶的吗.....
Given your academicand professional record, what are your expectations from the European Master inManagement programme? How do you see your professional life and careerdevelopment in the future?
想问一下这后面那句"how do you see ...." 是不是问如何看待未来的职业发展阿?要怎么个写法阿 一急之下都慌了 偶的吗.....
-- by 会员 karacl3 (2012/1/26 20:11:25)
这个问题,在EMLYON,大家叫它“the professional project”,就是类似职业规划,说明“现状”和“目标”,着重强调EML如何帮助你从“现状”到达“目标”。 祝LZ好运