那请问选了E,用and为什么不行?? restrict to food that do not contain color or flavor additives, chemical preservatives, and anything that has been synthesized 那么请问 1.restrict to food that do not contain color and flavor additives, chemical preservatives, and anything that has been synthesized 和 2.restrict to food that do not contain color or flavor additives, chemical preservatives, or anything that has been synthesized 这两句话有什么不同啊???? -- by 会员 ethancjj (2012/5/11 23:27:51)
否定句中, not caused by A,B and C (意味不是由A,B,C的组合而引起的) 而 not caused by A, B or C(意味着不是由A或B或C任何一个引起的)