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发表于 2004-7-3 18:42:00 | 只看该作者


78.Despite improvements in treatment for asthma, the death rate from this disease has doubled during the past decade from its previous rate. Two possible explanations for this increase have been offered. First, the recording of deaths due to asthma has become more widespread and accurate in the past decade than it had been previously. Second, there has been an increase in urban pollution. However, since the rate of deaths due to asthma has increased dramatically even in cities with long-standing, comprehensive medical records and with little or no urban pollution, one must instead conclude that the cause of increased deaths is the use of bronchial inhalers by asthma sufferers to relieve their symptoms.

78. Each of the following, if true, provides support to the argument EXCEPT:

(A) Urban populations have doubled in the past decade.

(B) Records of asthma deaths are as accurate for the past twenty years as for the past ten years.

(C) Evidence suggests that inhalers make the lungs more sensitive to irritation by airborne pollen.

(D) By temporarily relieving the symptoms of asthma, inhalers encourage sufferers to avoid more beneficial measures.

(E) Ten years ago bronchial inhalers were not available as an asthma treatment.

I am very confused by choice A which was given as the right key in the answer sheet.

In this question, we are asked to select one choice which does not support the author's conclusion. Let's take a look at choice A. It says that urban populations have doubled in the past decade. And the arguer points out that an increase in urban pollution has been suspectded to be attributed to the increased death rate from asthma. Therefore, my thinking is that A does provide support to the conclusion.

It is cited that the more accurate recording of deaths due to asthma could be responsible for the increased death rate from asthma. Nevertheless, choice B says that Records of asthma deaths are as accurate for the past twenty years as for the past ten years, therefore choice in fact weakens the author's evidence of conclusion.

As such, I think B is the right key instead of A. Please correct me if I have made any mistakes here.

发表于 2004-7-3 20:41:00 | 只看该作者
In order to draw the conclusion that the use of inhaler causes the increase of death rate from astham, the passage denies the other two explanations: pollution and record mistates. A says no record mistakes exists. Therefore it supports the conclusion. On the other hand, I can not find any relationship of choice A and the reasoning of the passage without other information
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-3 20:41:33编辑过]
发表于 2005-1-22 13:37:00 | 只看该作者


lawyer 指的是:B说过去十年和再之前十年的死亡数据都很准确,排除文中"the recording of deaths due to asthma has become more widespread and accurate in the past decade than it had been previously"。而A是指人口增加了两倍,所以死亡增加,削弱了结论,所以是选项。
发表于 2019-8-18 16:34:09 | 只看该作者
WONDERLAND2004 发表于 2004-7-3 18:42
78.Despite improvements in treatment for asthma, the death rate from this disease has doubled during ...

Spot the question type: Support ( Except )

P1: Records is more widespread and accurate

P2: Pollution increase

P3: ( However ) the death rate in city with good medical records and with no pollution is still increasing

C: It must be bronchial inhalers.

What B functions here is that B ensure the correlation offered from the premise is correct.

A suggest that the reason why rate going up is because the population doubled, and if the population doubled, highly possible that the rate of death due to asthma could be higher due to the increase simply from the increasing samples.
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