以下是引用我爱宝宝在2004-5-20 13:52:00的发言:哪里敢当指教啊,我只是一个把og解释当语法书看的菜鸟
168. Today, because of improvements in agricultural technology, the same amount of acreage produces double the apples that it has in 1910.
(B) twice as many apples as it did
1、the same amount of acreage produces ,twice as many apples,as it did
2、the same amount of acreage produces ,twice as many apples as it did
我是搞不清楚,as many as 中的as 是和same一伙的,还是就是as many as一伙的,ets老家伙又把它们拆开解释,我就更昏了。我可能钻牛角尖过头了?????
记得高中英语课上,老师见过as many as中两个as的词性不同,怎么个不同法早就还给他了。所以由此一问。
Very interesting question, any answer? |