192. Trying to learn some of the basics of programming is the same as to tinker with a car when one is a teenager: some people end up going to engineering school, and others, twenty years later, remember nothing of the experience.
(A) the same as to tinker with a car when one is a teenager
(B) similar to a teenager tinkering with a car
(C) like tinkering with a car as a teenager
(D) the same as a teenager tinkering with a car(A)
(E) like the teenager’s tinkering with a car
答案是a, 我错选了d, 看了前人的帖子,明白a是 to learn 与 to tinker比较,
我想问的是 trying to...is like tinkering ... 这两者比较可不可以,我觉得好像可以,like 后接动名词也可表示比较,至于d的错误,好像应该是as a teenager 表达有误,请nn指点一下! |