后天就要考试了,今天就在家里自己掐时间 做了一下AWA,然后从本月的狗狗里面选了这篇出现过六次的argument题目来做,耗时30分钟多一点点,主要是写了第三个论点的时候我想到了第二个 论点,然后就开始思考并且往里面填。我想最后考试的时候应该先把整个的框架写在box里面然后再填充内容。但anyway,请NN帮我看一下我的 wording哪里可以改善。。。。我觉得其实自己的词汇并不少,但在写的时候脑子就很容易被限制住导致用词单一而且会容易罗嗦。。。
The following appeared in an Avia Airlines departmental memorandum.
“On average, 9 out of every 1,000 passengers who traveled on Avia Airlines last year filed a complaint about our baggage-handling procedures. This means that although some 1 percent of our passengers were unhappy with those procedures, the overwhelming majority were quite satisfied with them; thus it would appear that a review of the procedures is not important to our goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia’s passengers.”
The author cites that there were only 9 out of every 1,000 passengers who traveled via Avia Airlines filed complaints about the baggage handling procedures. Based on this evidence, the author concludes that the majority of the passengers are satisfied with the procedures; hence it is not important to review the procedures for maintaining or increasing the number of passengers. This argument seems appealing but it will fail to withstand after scrutiny. First of all, the evidence the author uses is too insufficient to support the conclusion drew. A one year survey can merely show that the majority of the passengers amongst those who took the survey were satisfied on the procedures. A concrete investigation should include a massive database to be analyzed, in other words, the one year poll cannot represent in an extended time period the passengers’ attitude towards the baggage-handling procedures. There might be fluctuation in the passengers’ attitudes among the several previous years, and the author fails to provide the data. Furthermore, the author fails to provide the number of passengers surveyed. There are hundreds of thousands of passengers who take the Avia Airlines, and a small pool of correspondents can almost prove nothing about all the passengers’ satisfaction on the procedures. The author must conduct a more thorough investigation on the passengers’ views before he reaches the conclusion that the passengers are contented. Secondly, the survey is presented in a vague manner. The author fails to provide a detailed background of the survey while the details can largely determine whether the survey is a solid one or not. In this case, the passengers’ attitude toward the services can rely on various aspects, such as the legitimacy of the procedures designed, the time consumed for carrying their loads, and the convenience of the procedure compared to the airline’s rivals, and so forth. If the arguer can provide a full context of the survey, the argument would be more convincing. Furthermore, there is a fallacious reasoning in the argument. The writer argues that because the passengers who took part in the survey were generally satisfied on the baggage-handling procedures, a review of the procedures is not important. As a matter of fact, the improvement in the fast changing business dynamic is essential to the continuous success. A seemingly happy survey cannot replace a review on the procedures. Annual review on the services the airline can provide is not only necessary but also critical to the maintenance and growth of the business itself. The satisfaction of the services can only prove that the airline performed well in the previous years, but cannot assure the quality in the future. The review can be facilitated to not only check the former status of the services but also monitor services in the following years. In conclusion, the author fails to provide a sound proof to reach the conclusion and thus fails to convince the readers. If there is a more systematic approach toward this issue, the argument can be better evaluated and legitimized.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/8 18:00:57编辑过] |