刚开始看,不要见笑 Firstly, best teachers should encourage students to challenge popular ideas. The basic abilities a student needs to gain from learning include observing, learning, analyzing and creating. Education makes human society improved because we can create new and better things through our education. How can we create novel things? By question and challenge the old ideas and believes. That's why students should be encouraged to challenge popular ideas.
Secondly, the popularity of a idea doesn't make its rightness necessary. For instance, race discrimination was once a very wildly accepted believe among most of the people. However, the progress in human civil rights finally proves that idea was totally wrong. If that idea never be challenged, how can our society and civilization be improved?
Thirdly, challenging the popular idea doesn't mean we refuse all these ideas. In effect, we questioning a popular idea could serve a better way to accept it. By challenge the idea, we will learn more detailed information about it, such as the premise, the suitable situation, and of course the excerptions.
Admittedly, not all popular accepted idea need to be challenged. Among all the ideas and believes, some of them are proved truth, which should not be challenge. Like an old saying "Don't bother to create a bike wheel", accepting such idea will save us to challenge other popular ideas. |