Why not? Try it. It seems you cannot catch up with application of this year. You may have a try to apply the early application for 2005. Often, there will be a few applicants in the first round.
However, a graduate of TOP 10 University of China will not definitely help your application. How about the GPA and the ranks in the class? If your GPA is less than 3.0, it will greatly negative your application.
7 years W/E is a good benifit for you, but what did you do? You have to dig out your strengths and highlight your W/E in a governmental entity. Think about it. Although it is unfair, it is the fact that admissions like the applicants with strong international companies backgrounds, especially those TOP schools. I mean, you will put more efforts on your W/E description than those who have ready reference to say.
GMAT 700 is not a strong enough score if you wanna apply TOP 20 for Chinese applicants. Unfortunately, we are competing with ourselves, not with YangGuiZi. Most of the schools will throw all Chinese applicants into the same pool.
How about your TOEFL? if you got 667 in TOEFL or >650, it will weigh on your application.
Totally, application for MBA is a complicated procedure. Maybe, a torch song in your essays will move the admissions to accept you even though you are not academically qualified. An applicant is a consumer, not a begger. What you should do is to make sure your goals and determination and manifest all your strengths and your full potential.
Good luck.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-9 0:43:51编辑过] |