以下是引用blizzardfor在2009-2-16 20:13:00的发言:也是在等剑桥的。已经有朋友上周五拿到了面试通知。不过剑桥就是三天可以选,网站上都有,可以参考。说是4-6周,如果按6周算,应该是今天或者明天了。为我们大家祈祷祝福吧。 好的,面完一定分享。本人人在伦敦,所以去那边比较容易,但也还存在一个请假的问题,经济这么不好,TEAM已经是人手紧缺了,发愁如何编理由。。。 To Blizzardfor: I just received the e-mail from Cambridge a hour ago. Cambridge decides not to invite me for the interview, but places me on an interview waiting list. However, after consulted with my friend, I may choose to be interviewed at Oxford. Can you share more info about hotels and communications there? Thank you very much. my e-mail: mediayouth[在] yahoo.com |