第一次写,开头和结尾算有模板吧,中间都是自己胡来的.... 没有限时,貌似一共用了40分钟
另外想问下哈,如果写的时候不用七宗罪里面的东东会不会有影响的? 我都没有去记它...
The following appeared in the editorial section of a West Cambria newspaper. “A recent review of the West Cambria volunteer ambulance service revealed a longer average response time to accidents than was reported by a commercial ambulance squad located in East Cambria. In order to provide better patient care for accident victims and to raise revenue for our town by collecting service fees for ambulance use, we should disband our volunteer service and hire a commercial ambulance service.” The argument that the goventment of West Camabria should employ commercial ambulance service in lieu of volunteer ambulance service for better patient care and more profit neglects several cardinal concerns, which are necessary to amplify and substantiate the argument itself, but notes the irresponsible evidences and illations, which are fatually serving negative impacts. And the oversimplified describtion of corelation among response speed, revenue and service turns out to be inadequate and insufficient to construe, boster and attest the argument, lacking a logical and feasible reasoning process. Taking as the starting point, result of the recent review seems to be hard to convince others, because the response time is related to diverse causes. For example, places of accidents may be a significant factor, since if West Cambria suffers much more traffic jams than East Cambria, it will take longer response time for its ambulance service to hit the spot. Also distance from accident scene to ambulance service office counts a lot, since if always receive urgent calls far away from their location, ambulance service in West Cambria may not be blamed for longer response time. Therefore location cannot be viewed as sufficient evidence of such a conclusion. Besides the geographical cause, some false analogy is presented in the argument. That is, shorter reponse time does not necessarily amounts to better patient care. To further explain, reponse time only to some extent indicates efficiency, but not effectiveness. Even with longer response time, ambulance may also provide high quality service by being furnished with more advanced equipment and more professional staffs. Imagine that if a victim is dying, but there are not staffs who are experienced enough in the ambulance to provide first aid, as well as there are not useful medical machines which are important to keep the victim alive, he/she may unfortunately die on the way towards hospital. So this also weaken the statement of conclusion. Moreover, whether to hire commercial ambulance services cannot act as a dominant of revenue increase. The reasons are as following. Firstly, commercial ambulance service needs to be paid. That means monthly or yearly salaries are now adding to budget and expenditure. Secondly, after hiring the commercial team, people who choose the service have to accept that they are now must pay for the previously free service. And the compulsary payment may exert negative influence that if possible, people will no longer be willing to call for the service again. As it is known to everyone, no income, no revenue. Consequently such assumption is not grounded.
At last, when it comes to patient service, the volunteer one may provide better service than the commercial one, if equipments are all in better condition and functioning well, and all staffs are more calm, experienced and conscientious. Then even the commercial one charges for fees, their lacks and weaknesses may also preclude them from providing better patient service. Thus emplying commercial ambulance service may not always lead to the expected result from the author. In a word, some shortcomings indeed ensconce themselves dispersedly within the argument, disenabling it to be persuasive and rational. However, if points mentioned above can be comprehensively taken into account and follwed with appropriate adjustments, such as thoroughly illustrating more reasons and results and clealy stating out the corelations, the argument may probably become much more rigorous, credible and acceptible.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-12 23:45:13编辑过] |