29. “太多的人只想到得到结果。成功的关键是注意手边的特定事情而不担心结果。”(没写呢)(一月JJ 2004年) (频率3次) “Too many people think only about getting results. The key to success, however, is to focus on the specific task at hand and not to worry about results.” What do you think this piece of advice means, and do you think that it is, on the whole, worth following? Support your views with reasons and/or examples drawn from your own experience, observations, or reading.
第一段可以讲两边观点都说一遍,就像模板说的那样some people believe that ....., while other people feel that ,,,,,,然后写自己的想法是个combination.(比如:However, I think that XX and XX are not absolutely opposite. Therefore I agree that.....)这句话可能不对,就是这个意思!
最后一段可以写成Summary, 比如due to above-mentioned reason, we could conclude that... both A and B are equal important to success. 反正我觉得和现成的模板差不多!拙见,别笑我!