1、 In spite of continuing national trends toward increased consumption of specialty foods, agronomists in the Midwest foresee a gradual reversion to the raising of agricultural staples: feed corn and hard red wheat. (A) a gradual reversion to the raising of agricultural staples (B) that a gradual reversion back will feature the raising of agricultural staples (C) a gradual reversion back to the raising of agricultural staples again (D) a gradual reversion to raise agricultural staples (E) a gradual reversion into the raising of agricultural staples
2、 Adult survivors of child abuse traditionally have had little or no chance that they could get their symptoms recognized and treated. (A) that they could get their symptoms recognized and treated (B) to recognize and treat their symptoms (C) of getting their symptoms recognized and treated (D) of recognizing and treating symptoms (E) of getting his or her symptoms recognized and treated
3、 Seeming to be one of the few corporations diversified enough to survive the recession, many shareholders ignored the drop in third-quarter profits and invested even more heavily in Emco. (A) Seeming to be (B) As if (C) In that they seemed (D) Although it seemed (E) Because it seemed to be
这题就更糊涂了,正确选项E中it指代什么?seem to be 之外seem 是否还有其它的常用法?请大家不吝赐教!谢谢!