68. (28179-!-item-!-188;#058&003508)
For the best extraction of the flavor of saffron threads, it should be soaked in liquid after being pounded with a mortar and pestle.
(A) For the best extraction of the flavor of saffron threads, it should be soaked in liquid after being pounded (B) To best extract their flavor, saffron threads should be soaked in liquid after pounding (C) The best way to extract the flavor from saffron threads is soaking them in liquid after being pounded (D) The best way to extract the flavor from saffron threads is to soak them in liquid after pounding them (E) The flavor of saffron threads can best be extracted by soaking it in liquid after pounding it
正确答案是D没有问题 The best way to do sth is to do sth
这里after pounding做什么成份呢? 其它题目里见过几次after doing 用法各异 请问这里是什么成份? 谢谢