IF you want to have some volunteer experience in your resume and essays, you should not miss this opportunity!
梦想行动国际· 北京新世纪图书室 招募图书室活动志愿者
关怀·参与·杰出 我们寻找关注教育的人
我们寻找心系孩子的人 我们寻找情系农村的人 我们寻找敢想敢干的人 我们寻找终身的朋友和同事
梦想行动国际(见附录)现招收志愿者组织并参与图书室寓教于乐的课外阅读活动。志愿者参与期限至少一年。志愿者将参与活动的策划、宣传、实行。 活动地点:北京市清河上地朱房村“新世纪图书室”(见附录)。 时间:2008年6月起 责任:参与梦想行动国际志愿队在5月27日至6月26日的活动、了解图书室过去一年中所做的活动。在志愿队离开后定期参与每周或定期在图书室组织讲故事比赛等阅读活动。
Job Content: Implementing regular educational activities 1. One-to-one reading workshop: Last year, a three-day reading workshop, where volunteers and students were paired up and discussed the student’s interests over a one-to-one conversation, was held and found to be useful in determining the children’s reading interests and in helping them develop good reading habits. Owing to the limitations on the number of volunteers, only several local students could benefit from the program. 2. Book club: In addition to the reading workshop, we will also hold a book club each year to promote intellectual discussion. Through recommendations from children and volunteers, we will select one short book for secondary school children to read within an allotted period of time (this requires that we have several copies of the book or that we photocopy the book.) Volunteers will then hold a small workshop in which they discuss and exchange their thoughts on the book. This program is designed for older students, 14 years and up. 3. Story-telling contest: Students joining the contests are invited to read books of their choice from the library, or create stories by themselves (this is highly encouraged to promote creativity) and present them in a contest. Story-telling contests are opportunities for students to express their ideas and originality while training their public speaking skills. Our story-telling contests (which happen every month) have always been very successful, with about 10 to 15 student speakers and 30-40 audience members. 4. English lessons: We have already started a kids-English class that meets once a week for 1h30. The volunteers are currently foreign students studying Chinese at Tsinghua University. It has proven very successful as kids (about 15 to 20 each time) have shown a great interest in learning and participate actively in the class. In addition to recruiting volunteers based in Beijing, we are developing a partnership with the Jefferson Scholars Program from the University of Virginia, who has visited the library last year and expressed an interest in coming back in the future. Requirements: 1. This is a volunteer job, no salary; 2. You should love kids and enjoy playing with them; 3. You should come to library twice or three times a month to organize activities and events for readers and students of our library; 4. You need to have team-spirit to work with our librarian and the “library organizing committee” to take care of the logistics of our library 5. You will also function as a liaison between Dream Corps site coordinator and local partner. I am a volunteer for the Beijing library from 2007-2008 and this volunteer experience has not only enriched my experience but also broadened my network, which was quite helpful in my MBA application. I will go to Chicago GSB this August and I hope someone can take over this position from me. I highly recommend it. Please send your resume to the following e-mail address if you are interested in this position. We warmly welcome you to join us. Do it now! iangn97(A) hotmail.com" target="_blank">Liangn97(A) hotmail.com
Dream Corps International June 6, 2008 |