25. Water and resource management problems will be at the head of the legislature’s list of concerns for the coming session. (A) Water and resource management problems (B) Problems of managing water and resources (C) Problems in the management of water and other resources (D) Problems of water and other resource management (E) Resource management problems, including water
为什么 d 不对? Problems of (water and other resource management) water and other resource 修饰 management
這是大全917的題目。 這題很有趣。除了C,E兩選項,其他選項的and前後名詞都可以有不同修飾方式。例如D 解一:(Problems of water) and (other resource management) 解二:Problems of {(water) and (other resource) } management 解三:(Problems of water) and (other resource) management
1. (Problems in the management of water) and (other resources) 2.  roblems in <(the management of water) and (other resources)>
这题我觉得water和other resources对应是不存在歧义的,关键是跟problem和management搭配产生的歧义。 按1中的理解,应该为(Problems in the management of water) and (other problems),problems和resources用other的话变成同类了,逻辑上是不可能成立的。 按2中的理解,应该为Problems in (the management of water) and the (other resources),泛指和特指是不对称的。
以C的方式表達: 不論1或2都可以同時敘述到管理的觀念 1. (Problems in the management of water) and {(Problems in the management of省略 ) (other resources)} 2. Problems in <the management of (water)and (the management of省略)(other resources)>
以D表達,則不一定 原: Problems of waterand other resource management 二: Problems of (water) and {(problems of省略)(other resource management)} 省略一般是,後面的東西裡,可以省掉前面重複出現過的 所以解題時,把前面出現過的補上來看看 二如果改成 三:Problems of (water) (management省略) and {(problems of省略)(other resource management)} 向後省略,則似乎很少見,尤其在正式的文章裡。 大家覺得呢!