写好模版之后,我电脑上有一份,我自己也打印了一份出来,早上晨读的时候可以读读,每天都坚持打打模版,一是提高自己的速度,二是为了熟悉模版。当然我几乎每天都练一篇AA和一篇AI, 每次都计时,写完之后把AA和AI分别放在word文档里面,第二天自己再来修改,把错的用红色的笔(word文档里)画出来,到底是拼写错误,还是人称单复数错误,亦或是时态的错误都非常的清楚了,如果是拼写的错误我会反复的在TXT上面打出正确的字,有点类似于罚抄,但是我觉得比较有用,特别是对于不经常打英文的XDJM们。 然后把对应的范文拿出来看,看看它有什么独特的思路,它有什么好句子,我都把它勾出来,然后第二天读读,自己就有一种感觉了,这些东西都是要每天一点点的积累的。 就这样大概AA和AI各练了十篇吧,到后来我的速度几乎就是30分钟每篇,我当时还是担心自己考试的时候写不完,而且仍然有拼写错误什么的。不过我自己也在写作的过程中开始下意识的注意时态,单复数使用的时候一致了,我觉得这也算是练了这么多篇的一个成果吧,所以说,我觉得AWA大家千万不要觉得只要有了模版就OK了,一定要练,练会暴露出你很多问题的,一定要练!!!! 考试之前,练的频率降低了,因为地震,没办法回家,也极少碰到电脑,结果在考试的前一天借了一台笔记本电脑,把自己的模版打了一遍。把当月的JJ在黄金80上面找了出来,看JJ每道题的分析思路,自己也列了一个自己的思路,然后就上了考场。 可以说AWA我发挥的最好吧,因为我的AA提前十分钟就写完了,AI提前了五分钟,然后就用来检查错字啊,时态人称什么的。 关于AA我觉得比较简单,所以不想多说,关于AI自己的功底估计是来自TOEFL吧,因为师承李笑来,当时苦练了TOEFL的作文,思路和AI很像,所以还是很感谢李笑来老师了。 AI的话我觉得思路很重要,你必须要辩证的看来的问题,比如说你可以赞成一个人的观点,但你也应该指出它的瑕疵,有点类似于逻辑哦,呵呵,我到后来发现AI作文很适合用的是It depends 的策略,当然这个也是李笑来教我的(版权属李笑来哈),也就是对于一个问题,在不同的情况下有不同的答案,这样的话你的思路以来比较辩证,二来字数自然就增多了,所以很有用,当时在考场上写的那片文章就是用的different situations, different strategies. 下面是我的模版,大家看看,取其精华,取其糟薄,一定要记住是你自己的,才是最好的。 AI Nowadays, .(bg information). The author, in the passage, asserts/claims/argues that (题目的复述). However, as the complexity of this issue ignored by the speaker, he simply concludes a definite answer to this issue and unnecessarily extends his broad assertion to an irreversible extreme. So , as far as I am concerned, (说出自己的观点)(I shall present the argument favoring the statement and refuting one. Deficient though the author’s assertion is, it is true that 作者赞成的观点 . Compelling evidences show us that 支持作者观点的例子 Besides, not only our common sense but also our daily experiences inform us that 支持作者的观点的例子 . However, I have to point out that the author’s contentions go into extreme to overstate ‘s comparative significance and , consequently, fail to take into considerations other important/essential elements/factors. One of the most compelling considerations is 反驳的理由 . Let us take 例子A for example. 具体说明 . Another crucial factor, which is ignored by the author, is that . (如果还有例子的话可以再举例) In short/ in conclusion, the issue mentioned above is so complicated that we should not conclude certain or simple answers. As far as I am concerned, 总结自己的观点. AA 开头段 The author of this argument claims that To support his claim/argument, the author offers statistics and several reasons. First of all , the author provides statistics showing that Moreover, the author reasons that An additional reason given in support of this argument is that The author’s argument, at first glance, appeals/seems to be convincing/attractive, but further and thorough examination reveals that it commits several logical mistakes as discussed below. 结尾段 In conclusion, this argument is not well reasoned as it appeals to be. To make this argument more convincing, the author would have to provide more specific evidence concerning that Moreover, to better evaluate the argument we would need more information that
and that . 正文段落各类型攻击段落 因果分析 1.前因后果和同时因果(将红色文字改一下) The author claims that .The reasoning of the assertion is that because A happens before B , the former event causes the latter one[because A happens together with B].However, the “ after this, therefore because of this” assertion is groundless[a mere positive correlation between A and B does not necessarily prove a causal relationship] because the author ignores, unintentionally or not, other possible causes or factors to this effect. One of the essential factors is that Other causes such as may also attribute to this effect. Thus, the author’s assertion of this problem is based on an oversimplified analysis of the issue. 2.他因攻击(未改的模版) More detailed analysis would reveal that other factors far outweigh the factor on which the author focuses. Take for example. 3.因果倒置(改了一点的模板) The author demonstrates that A is the cause of B . As cause is confused with effect in this argument, B is actually the cause of A. Because . Since the author fails to account for this possibility, the claim that is completely unwarranted. 比较类分析(错误类比,选择性比较) Because the author assumes that A is similar to B in all aspects, there comes an assertion that . However, differences between A and B obviously outweigh the similarities, thus making the analogy highly less than valid. For instance, . Consequently, it is hard to conclude that B will experience the same situation as A does. 非此即彼 It is fallacious for the author to assume that A and B are exclusive alternatives to solve this problem. This either-or choice fails to rule out the possibility that adopting A and B together might produce better results. Additionally, other essential factors such as ,or the combination of several factors , might also help solve this problem more effectively. 充分必要类 充分性 The author assumes that A is all that is needed for . Seemingly important though it is in determining , it is hardly the sole or even necessarily required element. The author apparently ignores other essential factors such as A, B, and C. (后面可以自己再说几句) 必要性 The author asserts that in order to , should .Although is a seemingly important factor determining , it is hardly the sole element. Not only common sense but also daily experiences inform me that there are lots of other ways to . One of these ways, probably, would be at least as effective as the proposed plan, or even more effective. So without considerations of these potential factors, it is too hasty to conclude is the sole determinant in this argument. 调查类 1. 样本代表性问题 The author fails to provide enough evidence showing that as a whole/ in general. Although the sample suggest trend in 一个地方 ,it is insufficient for the author to justify that the data drawn from 这个地方 is representative of the whole . (1)For example (2) If this place/location cited distinct from other regions in the whole country, the results of the survey will be unconvincing. So without more surveys from diverse geographic locations, it is too reluctant to accept the author’s assertion. 2. 样本数目的问题 The conclusion that is based on too small a sample to be reliable. Unless it can be shown that is representative of all , it is groundless for the author to claim that . 3. 统计数据缺乏比较性 These statistics lack the basis of comparison and thus may distort 4. 回应者的问题 There are also some problems of the survey’s methodology. People who are interested in may be more likely than other to complete and return the questionnaires. 5. 时效性问题 One of the problems is that the argument fails to indicate how recently the survey was actually conducted. The closer the time of the survey was finished, the more sufficient the generalizations showed by the author are. Much more factors will change in surveys conducted 1 month ago than those happened 6 months ago. 范围变化类错误 1. 差异概念 Firstly, we have to figure out a sound meaning of the concept “ “. The author claims that the term is synonymous with . However, 2. 范围变大(有点类似于调查类中的样本代表性问题) The author inappropriately suppose that A小范围 is sufficient to infer , because there are so many different factors between A and B(大). Thus, unless more information can be shown that is representative of all general, the author cannot justify the assertion that . 3. 范围变小:与范围变大类似 过去, 将来 The author takes for granted that will continue to in the future because of current situation. However, we cannot predict the future only because of the current condition. It is possible that so many factors changed that makes the predicted trend unreliable.