I sent my additional TOEFL score request on Dec 1. But on Dec 9 I happened to find that ICBC closed the online payment function of my credit card! At my request, ICBC reopened the function but I find they have already refused the payment request from ETS. Then I notified ETS about the situation by fax but I still got an outstanding invoice from ETS yesterday. God...
Now I am in an awkward situation. First, ETS require me to send check or money order to settle the invoice and may freeze my following score requests until receive my money. Second, I have resent score request for the same school on Dec 17 since ETS hadn't charged to my account.
My question is if I send my check to ETS, will ETS charge to my account again by using my second score requests to the same school. If you have such experiece or have some ideas, please kindly share with me! Thank you very very much!
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-1-1 11:13:10编辑过] |