以下是引用dorisyh在2008-4-6 9:51:00的发言:多谢各位的回复和支持! 家里还算支持,当然困难也有,主要是儿子(一年级)的教育就得靠他爸爸一个人了。不过应该可以克服。 主要的顾虑有三个,一是年龄,总觉得这个年龄不是继续读书的时候了。不知这个年龄读博士的能占到多少比例? Not a big deal if you don't care. Most people are in their 20s or early 30s. 二是我的这种认识。虽说不太喜欢国内企业的作风,可毕竟是没办法的事。安卓美达讲得也对,可能国内的风气就是这样,就算大学也一样。这样想的话,真出去了还是不回来的好。不知通过读博来解决我对国内企业的这种认识是否可行? Depends on how much you can tolerate your current working enviroment. 三是儿子。出去以后读个一两年把儿子办出去是否可行? You can bring your son (and your husband) even in your first year. But the things is what they are going to do when you are studying. In your case, it is really not a decision of one, but a family. 四是关于专业,象我这样出去读什么专业合适? What are you interested in (or knowledgable about?) 问题有点多,请各位同学帮我出出主意吧。 |